It’s sunnah to set boundaries

It’s not Islamic to cater to everyone’s needs

Zahra Aljabri
Practical Muslim Blog
2 min readJun 15, 2022


Confusing being of service to others with self sacrifice is dangerous.

We are not asked to give up our needs, and lives for others. We are a faith of balance, the middle way, each aspect of our lives has its rights. Unfortunately, many of us have learned Islam to mean that we must put others before ourselves. All this does is breed resentment, overwhelm, and burnout. This can end up pulling you away from faith.

One way to avoid that it to practice setting boundaries- listen to this clip for more!

If are single or engaged and want to get the ultimate support to set yourself for a healthy marriage- one with shared responsibilities and respectful boundaries then you’ll want to check out our book Before “I do” 150+ questions Muslims must ask before marriage.

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Zahra Aljabri
Practical Muslim Blog

I empower bold Muslims to connect with their Divine essence so they can transform their lives & bring in abundant love, peace and wealth! Ready for coaching?