Stop Holding Back Your Du’a

Zahra Aljabri
Practical Muslim Blog
2 min readJul 6, 2022

Something that was so eye opening for us to realize was how much we were compromising our du’a before we even asked them. We want X but think its too much so we just make du’a for X-10. As if we were helping Allah- here I made my request smaller so now it should be easier to fulfil. It’s absurd because Allah can do *anything* nothing is small or big for Allah, its all the same- simple easy. Be and it is.

The shrinking of our du’a was only a reflection of our lack of faith.

Lack of faith that we could have what we wanted.

Lack of faith that Allah would provide.

It’s time for you to ask. Ask fully. Ask completely. Ask with full faith. Get your hopes up and ask. The world needs our prayers. It’s no time to ask for half steps we need radical change now- so ask for everything that would improve your life, your families, your community and the world.

Leave nothing out, and most importantly don’t neglect your own personal desires. Your joy, happiness, ease allows you to do more good in the world, so ask for whatever will support you to live more freely.

We’re sharing one of the most loved podcast episodes this week on Du’a mindset. This podcast has supported so many to ask bigger and receive and we hope it does the same for you.

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Zahra Aljabri
Practical Muslim Blog

I empower bold Muslims to connect with their Divine essence so they can transform their lives & bring in abundant love, peace and wealth! Ready for coaching?