The Untapped Power of Jealousy, Envy and the Green-Eyed Monster

Now use it

Jamie Jackson
Published in
4 min readNov 5, 2021



Think of a celebrity you dislike. We all have them. For one reason or another, they make your skin crawl, they’re universally loved but you just can’t get on board.

Chances are, even if you can’t put your finger on it, what you dislike about them is what you dislike about yourself.

Your weaknesses are reflected in them, back to you. Perhaps they’re not even ashamed of it as you are. How dare they be so at ease with something that makes you feel so insecure?

This is jealousy.

Jealousy is more pervasive and wide-ranging than feeling insecure about a romantic partner. More often than not, jealousy is directed at those who are doing something you perceive you can’t do. Or won’t do. Writing. Acting. Business success. Or simply being at peace with their imperfections. These people make you feel bad by existing, reminding you of your own flaws and fears.

On the surface, jealousy is always justified; you’re not jealous of your friend, they’re just full of themselves, you’re not jealous of your boss, they’re just egotistical, you’re not jealous of a writer or artist, their work is just overrated.

It’s no wonder Shakespeare said jealousy mocks the flesh it feeds upon.



Jamie Jackson
The Unfolding

Between two skies and towards the night. // Email me: jamiejacksonati [at] gmail [dot] com