Here’s some works to get you started on a life-long journey

Gregory Sadler
Practical Rationality
16 min readMay 11, 2018


This is actually a difficult question — which philosophical texts are best for beginners? But it’s also one that I get asked pretty regularly. I typically suggest starting with Plato, and occasionally delve a bit deeper into the topic, but admittedly haven’t devoted the thought and attention it really deserves to give a proper answer. So when Leah brought it up as a matter that might be addressed, and suggested we record a conversation on her YouTube channel about it — which we plan to do in the near future — I thought writing a bit first might help me sort out my thoughts on the topic.

There is no doubt on my part that practically everything I’m writing here could be contested or criticized by someone. I’m drawing upon reflections and experiences from my own moderately successful teaching career, which spans two decades, and has included so many entry-level philosophy classes that I long ago lost count. I’m also incorporating insights from conversations with a number of people about the philosophical texts they studied, enjoyed, hated, found incomprehensible, thought brilliant, and everything in between. Mix in a slew of my own opinions, proclivities, sensibilities, and sometimes just plain speculative guesses, and this is what you get. My only…



Gregory Sadler
Practical Rationality

president ReasonIO | editor Stoicism Today | speaker philosophical counselor & consultant | YouTube philosophy guy | co-host Wisdom for Life | teaches at MIAD