PSM W4 reflections. Prototyping journey with great team players

Design Thinking is not a matter of process

Hyeyoung Jeon
4 min readMay 24, 2020


<DSIL global website image>

Acting or doing as a first step can be real inspiration than desk research or reading books

Starting this week’s zoom call on Monday, I was a bit nervous since I had to create a monster with a pen on a paper and name it with negative feelings like fear, doubts, or anxieties that I have in relation to what I’m learning in this course PSM. Since I’m not a maker type of person, I feel stressed under the situation when I need to make something physical.

However, I could experienced magical moment when a guest speaker, Katy Grennier, a founder of DSIL Global, an organization that designs for Social Innovation and Leadership was about to leave. She was supposed to lead a prototyping session online. Instead of sharing her experience or delivering lectures, she started to ask questions what we know about ‘prototype’. After having discussion, she gave some time to build a quick, physical prototype using any materials or tools at home which was not even informed to be prepared before the class. That was another panic moment for me since I had to create something. Even though I have not had a proud or perfect prototype with me, yet I could have felt that I made something as an outcome and could have a chance to share with a peer. Through the process, I was smiling at the end of the course that I never realized I feel comfortable and energetic. I don’t figure out the how my mood could be changed from quite concerned at first but cheerful at last. That’s maybe because of the energetic lead by Katy or stimulating background music. Having talk with a peer also helped me relieved.

Creating a prototype for action as a team assignment

The U process of co-sensing and co-creating: presencing

Build a physical prototype in 3 days sounds very challenging to me at first. But 10 minutes breakout session at the end of the class gave a chance to start the positive and prospective interaction between the four of team members. With this opportunity, we made to brainstorm an idea before the course has finished on this Monday. As soon as Abhinav suggested an idea of making a website of archiving all that we’ve learnt in this course of Practical Self-Management with a compelling reasons that we can keep in touch even after this course has ended if we have a community online, we all clapped, eagerly looking forward to move forward.

Who, the people are more important than tools or systems

The idea, building a website of my team was not an engineering marvel but actually Ranginui team’s (Abhinav, Nick Tucker, Julie and myself) strong needs and wish for the future. I’ve realized that a solution, being a new product or service is not necessarily be the state of the art technology based apps or never before existed or imagined tools. No one worried about coding. Instead, Abhinav shared an easy to use tool to make a simple website just right after Monday’s class and we could easily start from that points with excitement. The energy and mood around us was very positive and we could virtually feel psychological safety as well based on the initial engagement.

The quality of results produced by any system depends on the quality of awareness from which people in the system operate. The formula for a successful change process is not “form follows function,” but “form follows consciousness.” The structure of awareness and attention determines the pathway along which a situation unfolds.
From the book <Leading from the Emerging Future>

On the 2nd zoom call on Tuesday, we could align roles and responsibilities basically based on voluntary approach. Nick Tucker took the lead to build brand story of ‘Sky Collective’. Julie was suppose to search fitting images and I promised to collect all the useful resources — books, articles and useful website as references for cohorts of the PSM course. Unbelievably, this call took less than a half hour including check-in and check-out time. All the group members were pleased where we’re on the same page to move forward and the process was very much smooth with a great big smile. On Thursday, as a last pre-call before the Friday’s class, we could make sure that almost all the contents were ready to be uploaded on the website since each member has worked hard. Before and after the group zoom call, we shared warm and cheerful comments on slack with each other for this joyful process. It was a real meaningful moment for me, even much greater learning than any other new methods or tools.

The blind spot of leadership, <Leading from the Emerging Future>
The blind spot of leadership, <Leading from the Emerging Future>

Looking forward to further development and keeping in touch with

Unfortunately, I could not attend the presentation and feedback session on Friday since I had to take my caring duty of my son at that time but was very much excited to share team’s work, curious about feedback. Abhinav shared the moment as follows.

It was overwhelming to see the expression of everyone and we felt that something was emerging.

I could imagine that we succeeded to sell the ‘ONE Time ONLY’ chance to join ‘Skycollective’ membership to cohorts. ^^

