Write better bugs resolutions

Alexey Himself
Practical Software Testing
2 min readJun 3, 2019

I often see that Quality Engineers don’t write good resolution comments for the bugs they close as verified. Sometimes I see:


“Verified.” — is not enough! What was verified? Where (which environment)? What was the app’s version? What was the behavior of the app, product or service?

These are very good questions! And the answers on them are very helpful especially when you face tricky situations when bug fixes do not get into release, when regression bugs appear in Production and so on.

It is also a very good habit to write good resolutions, comments, copy of any kind. This is very professional to write short, yet informative text.

That’s why instead of obvious “Verified” try next time this template:

Fix verified for:
<Server name>
<App version>
Current behavior:
<Describe what happens now>

for example:

Fix verified for:
master / 2019-04-03_12-21-15-55e8a1c2
Current behavior:
Same as expected

Or if you have unique server names for environments, then even simpler:

Fix verified for:
master / 2019-04-03_12-21-15-55e8a1c2
Current behavior:
Same as expected

Is that difficult? Absolutely no! Is that precise, informative and useful? Yep!

Why “Current behavior” when we have “Expected result” field in bug reports? Because it is very often when “Expected result” is not known, not very clear, has several ways or suggestions. In such situations “Current behavior” helps you to remember what you’ve observed when resolved that bug.

Happy debugging!

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Alexey Himself
Practical Software Testing

I write about practical and effective techniques that help me and my colleagues in everyday software development and testing.