Write ready-to-go test cases titles with pairwise tests generation tool

Alexey Himself
Practical Software Testing
3 min readFeb 16, 2021


If you put as a dataset for pairwise online tool not only pairs, but also the words in between, then you can get ready-to-go titles for checklist or your test cases:

Screenshot from SQA Mate online pairwise test case generation tool

Details of the approach

Current situation

Almost everyone uses pairwise test generation tools only as the tools for all-pairs generation. I mean users get to the tool (online or offline), enter their dataset, generate pairs, get those generated pairs and disappear.

For example in SQA Mate online pairwise test case generation tool, users enter their input dataset:

Chrome, Firefox, Safari
Windows, Linux, MacOS

enter their exclude-pairs dataset:

Safari, Windows
Safari, Linux

and press “Generate pairs” button.

As a result they get the following pairs dataset:

Firefox, Windows
Chrome, Linux
Safari, MacOS

Probably, then they go and write their manual or automated test cases based on those generated pairs.

What can we do better

What if we started to form our test cases titles right in the pairwise tool? It is possible, because:

  • if we do not use comma separator, then parameter is considered as a single one even if it has spaces;
  • single parameter participates in every pair;

And this gives us the following thing: if we ask a pairwise testing tool to write sentences for us, it will do.

Watch. We’d wanted to test, that:

Web page is displayed correctly

Ok. Where?

In Firefox on Windows web page is displayed correctly

Ok! Looks like parameters “browser” and “OS” are introduced, right?

In Firefox, Chrome, Safari on Windows, MacOS, Linux web page is displayed correctly

Let’s make line breaks to outline dataset from other words of the sentence:

Firefox, Chrome, Safari
Windows, MacOS, Linux
web page is displayed correctly

See? What will happen, if we put this as a dataset for pairwise testing tool
Take a look:

Screenshot from https://sqamate.com/tools/pairwise SQA Mate online pairwise test case generation tool

If you skip commas in the resulting dataset, then you get nice and complete pairwise sentences — so you could go and test with them already!

Add there exclude pairs:

Safari, Windows
Safari, Linux

and you’ll get 3 pairwise tests:

Screenshot from https://sqamate.com/tools/pairwise SQA Mate online pairwise test case generation tool

And if you get rid of commas in that resulting sentences, magic will happen:

In Firefox on Windows web page is displayed correctly
In Chrome on Linux web page is displayed correctly
In Safari on MacOS web page is displayed correctly

And this is a complete ready-to-go pairwise testing sentences! Not “just pairs”:

Firefox, Windows
Chrome, Linux
Safari, MacOS

Much better, right? Ignore this approach on your own peril!



Alexey Himself
Practical Software Testing

I write about practical and effective techniques that help me and my colleagues in everyday software development and testing.