Illustration By Udhaya Chandran

React Native Overlapping Components

Karthik Balasubramanian
Published in
4 min readJun 5, 2020


Hey folks, let us see how to get these overlapping containers to work together in React Native.

Setting up React Native Project.

(Skip to next section, if already done..)

Go ahead to this link and follow the steps on creating a new react native project.

npx react-native init RNOverlappingContainers

To start the application run npx react-native run-ios inside your React Native project folder. Open your project in VS Code and head to the file named App.js.And remove the code under the return statement and replace it with:

return {

You have successfully finished creating a project.

There are basically two containers, let us give them names:

  1. Image Container, and
  2. Bottom Container

So the first container is positioned absolute in the screen and the second container has a paddingTop of the image’s height.
I have prepared a rough sketch on how the skeleton would look.

Ignore my bad sense of drawing.

Let us start coding to get our overlapping containers working.

Create a src folder in the project root directory.
Add a folder OverlappingContainers

Create a file <BottomContainer.js> .

This is the Bottom Container component which is wrapped inside an Animated ScrollView with some basic animations.

Create a file <ImageContainer.js> .

This is the Image Container Component which renders an Animated Image with scale animation, you can see the effect at the end of this blog.

Create a file <LoadingAtom.js> .

Just a placeholder content for the scroll view, it can be anything.

Create an index.js file which will be wrapping the above containers

Wrap both of your components inside the <SafeAreaView/> component which React Native provides. The BottomContainer wraps the content of the scroll view.

I have assigned the Image Height to 450px. This can vary depending upon the design and screen dimensions.

Okay now, let us try running the app !!

That’s neat !!

Used libraries (For the placeholder content) :

1. React Native SVG

2. React Native Content Loader

The image is from Unsplash, photographed by @julie_soul.

Special Case for Android :

The above implementation is enough to get things working well with iOS, but you will have a default grey background in Android.

Something like this :

If you want the status bar the same as iOS. You will have to do as follows :

  1. Add backgroundColor and translucent property to <StatusBar/>

2. Add an empty <View> of which equals the height of the status bar. For this, I have used a library, which you can find here. Install and use it like this conditionally just in case of Android:

height: Platform.OS === 'android' ? getStatusBarHeight() : 0

Now it would look like this.

Animations Breakdown

Let us try to break down the animations used in here.

  1. Creating an Animated Value
const [scrollY, setScrollY] = useState(new Animated.Value(0));

2. Attach this scrollY value to the onScroll event of the <ScrollView>

[{ nativeEvent: { contentOffset: { y: scrollY } } }], { useNativeDriver: true }, () => { }, // Optional async listener )

3. Use the animated value to apply the scale animation on your <Image/>

transform: [  {      scale: scrollY.interpolate({          inputRange: [0, imageHeight],          outputRange: [1.2, 1],          extrapolate: 'clamp'       })  }]

This gives the feel of image scaling down to its original size while you scroll.

4. Use the same animated value to animate the borderRadius of the <View/>

const animateBorderRadius = scrollY.interpolate(            {               inputRange: [0, 450 - 100],               outputRange: [40, 0],            }

This basically animates your borderRadius value from 40 to 0, while scrolling up. You can use it like this :

styles.block, { borderTopLeftRadius: animateBorderRadius, borderTopRightRadius: animateBorderRadius } ]}> {props.children}</Animated.View>

This is Karthik representing Timeless.

You can find the repo here.

If you find this blog post helpful, share it with a friend.

If you find any difficulties please feel free to add your comments.

