Introducing the Practical Map The World: First Edition contest

Jesse McCulloch
Published in
2 min readMar 30, 2018

Hey everyone,

Jesse from Practical here. Today we are very excited to let you all experience what we have been working on over here at Practical, and let you earn some cool prizes along the way.

As a lot of you are probably aware, Practical is working hard to make the spatial mapping experience better, easier, and more consistent for developers, so you can focus on building your best HoloLens app without having to re-invent the wheel over and over. Part of this includes saving maps to the cloud, so that users can map a space once, and share it between apps, and eventual, other devices. This is all just the start to what is being coined the AR Cloud, this idea that there should be a common shared digital understanding and representation of our physical world.

Spatial Map Captured With Practical Mapping

In order to get started building this cloud, we want to enlist your help in collecting the data. In the future we look forward to sharing our other incentive system, but for the present, we want you all to be a part of our journey through the Practical Map The World: First Edition contest. It’s pretty straightforward.
1. Download the Practical Mapping application for the HoloLens from the Store (
2. Register your Mapper Tag.
3. Map your spaces.
4. Share your maps on social media.
5. Compete on the Leaderboard.
6. Win prizes.

You will get Practical Swag just for competing. But if you are among the Top 3 mappers, then you have the opportunity for some big prizes, with such things as tickets to Build, Holographic Assets from our Art team, and lots more.

We are really excited to get started building the future of Mixed Reality, and we want you along with us. See you on the leaderboard!

Spatial Map Captured With Practical Mapping



Jesse McCulloch

Microsoft Windows Mixed Reality MVP, AR/VR/XR Junkie, Computer Geek, Extroverted Introvert