Guaranteed Unconditional Happiness
Have you ever wished for unconditional happiness? Well, it can be yours right now. But only right now. There is no other time to be happy, or anything else for that matter. After all, it is always now.
As with many of the challenges we face as humans, the problem contains the solution. The key to unconditional happiness is right there in the word that comes before “happiness”.
Unconditional is listed in the dictionary as meaning not conditional or limited; absolute, unqualified. If we place any conditions whatsoever on happiness, then we place it out of reach.
We tend to move our happiness behind barriers labeled “once” and “when” and “if” certain conditions are met. Feels pretty normal, but any condition that can be met can also be unmet. This turns happiness into a total gamble.
Since continual change is a guarantee in this life, basing our happiness on any set of changing conditions condemns it to be temporary.
The only question you have to ask yourself is, “Do I really want to be happy?” If your answer is “Yes”, then get rid of your arbitrary conditions and be happy now. “Yes, but…” is just another way of saying, “No”.
The happiness you seek is always already here, but only if you want it.