1 Writing Advice From a Beginner to the Beginners

Follow what’s worked but also create your path!

Vidhya jyothi
Practice in Public
2 min readJun 19, 2024


Photo by Mike Tinnion on Unsplash

What should I write about?

Where do I write?

Who will read anything that I write?

Why will anyone want to read what I write?

Is this the right way to write?

These are a few of the many questions I had when I started writing. The questions bothered me so much that I sometimes stopped writing altogether.

But the joy of penning down my thoughts and opinions kept me going. But sometimes when you don't see the results of your writing the thoughts keep coming back.

To get the answers to my questions, I started studying people. I tried to understand how they structure, the topics they choose, the platforms they use, how they add their personality to their writing, etc.

After studying and writing for 3 months now, one thing I realized is there is no one established and concrete way to make it in writing.

You can follow everything an established writer instructs and it could still not work for you.

Sometimes either because of the timing or the change in how the platform works when you get on it or just the relevance of your topic now.

So don’t just follow what’s worked for others. In addition, try and experiment with what feels right to you as well.

Because you never know what works for you, it could be a new thing or it could be something that doesn’t work for others because of the way they approached it.

All the best in this beautiful journey of writing and discovering ourselves!

