12 Lessons for a Better Life by Darius Foroux (Focus on What Matters)

Small changes, great impact!

Vidhya jyothi
Practice in Public
2 min readMay 26, 2024


Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash
  1. Don’t do or buy things to impress others. If anything people should be impressed with you as a person. Impressing anyone shouldn’t matter at all.
  2. Do not be attached to anything. Plan your moves, but be accepting of the results even when it’s not in your favor. Your work is in your control and not the result.
  3. Live a meaningful life in the pursuit of wisdom. Be excited for all the opportunities you have in life to learn.
  4. Nothing is easy. Choose what makes you happy and enjoy doing it.
  5. Don’t depend on the results or rewards to make you happy. Enjoy the process.
  6. You do not own anything in this world. Everything is lent to you to use. Live in the present and enjoy them.
  7. The only secret to becoming the best version of yourself is to train every day.
  8. Make mistakes and learn from them. Have the courage to start over again in case you lose everything.
  9. Protect your values and integrity. Living in society comes at a price. But nothing in the world is worth losing your true self.
  10. Nothing is ever enough. You will always want more. But know what is enough for you.
  11. Don’t get jealous of people ahead of you. Be inspired, borrow their energy, and imbibe the qualities.
  12. Money is important. But what’s more important is how you make it. Don’t compromise your values to make money.

So, it all comes down to a little introspection and small mindset changes to get better at life.

