3 Major Reasons Most People Lack Confidence (And How to Fix It)

Do more of the “right” things

Kurtis Pykes
Practice in Public


Image created by author using Midjourney

You can’t fake confidence.

It can’t be conveyed through words—it’s deeper than that. While it’s possible to mask your emotions temporarily, sustaining the facade requires continuous emotional regulation and suppression of doubt or insecurity, which can be emotionally draining and lead to inconsistencies in behavior or reactions. Beyond all of that, true confidence is rooted in a genuine belief in one's abilities.

This can’t be an artificially held belief; it must be built authentically!

In the remainder of this article, I’ll explain the definition of confidence, give three major reasons most people lack it, and give you the recipe to build yours if it’s low.

What is confidence?

Albert Bandura, a renowned psychologist who worked on social learning theory and self-efficacy, provided the initial definition of confidence.

He described it as self-efficacy.

In Bandura’s theory, self-efficacy refers to an individual’s belief in their own ability to accomplish tasks and achieve goals in specific situations. It encompasses the belief one has in their capacity to exert control over their own functioning and…

