3 Offers That Can Make You $5,000 (Even With a Small Audience)

Copy these today

Matt Giaro
Practice in Public


Image by the author

Most writers are broke.

They think they need 1000s of people on their email list to start making good money.

But I’ve been making a full-time income on the internet since 2014.

And I’ve NEVER had a big audience.

My email lists mostly ranged between 2,000–8,000 subscribers.

Here are 3 offers that can help you make $5,000 online (even with a small audience.)

Stop being a cheap bastard

I know this is going to trigger some of you.

But when you’re just starting out, you’re tempted to charge low prices to attract clients. You think that you can only sell a $50 self-paced course because your guru does this.

It’s a race to the bottom.

Here’s why: Only 1% of your email list is going to take you up on your offer.

Now, do the math.

If you have 1,000 email subs, that’s 10 sales. Now, multiply this by $50.

Feels like a kick in the testicles, right?

That’s why, when you’re small, you NEED to charge more. I’m not saying to charge crazy prices nobody’s…



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