3 Platforms Every Creator Should Publish On (Other Than Medium)

Create content regularly on these platforms and see your audience grow fast.

Neil S
Practice in Public
4 min readNov 30, 2022


Photo by Adem AY on Unsplash

So you’re a writer, and you want to be read. If you’re going the traditional blog route this will be hard. You’re going to write into the ether and it is going to seem like nobody is listening.

Even with optimal niches, well-researched keywords, and SEO on point, it will take months before your writing starts to rank on Google and get some traction.

What if I told you there was a way around that? There is. While it’s not going to completely eliminate the grind, it will significantly reduce your struggle. Do what I tell you and you can grow your blog, be more widely read, and even generate clients.

Here’s the mantra (I assume you are already doing this on Medium) — write consistently, and grow your following on LinkedIn, Quora, and Twitter.


Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

Linkedin is a unique beast. It didn’t start as a social media platform but rather as a professional networking site. People posted resumes and advertised vacancies there. Though there are some social media elements to the site now, it’s still primarily professional in orientation.

Linkedin allows you to network with people and follow them. It also allows you to create short posts, comment on other people’s posts and write full-length articles of your own.

There is a huge built-in audience on the platform and not too many creators. This translates to a great opportunity for those who want to grow their blogging business, direct traffic to their websites, and pick up clients.

Here’s what you do — follow leaders in your area and engage regularly with their posts. Create high-quality clear content and post it on the platform at least 5 times a week. Some advice suggests 2 to 5 times per week, but I am more comfortable on the higher end of that scale.

The trick to doing this effectively is to create batches of content when you have time and schedule them throughout the week. You can also repurpose your medium content and publish it there. Drop your follow me at Twitter/Medium/Substack/my blog at the end of every post.

With enough content in your niche, you will be seen as an expert. People will direct themselves to your blog or newsletter. They may even send work your way.


Photo by Rubaitul Azad on Unsplash

Essentially the world’s largest question-and-answer platform, Quora sees hundreds of millions of visitors a month.

That is a lot of traffic that could be directed to your blog. When I was a 1L (first-year) at Georgetown Law. I wrote a lot of answers about both LSAT preparation and how to get into a top US law school as an international student.

A lot of people found me through my answers. They approached me on Facebook and LinkedIn to ask for my advice on the process. This happened within a few months.

If, like me, you spend a few months answering questions about your niche on Quora you are going to generate a lot of traffic for your blog/newsletter. Try to answer questions in your niche at least 5–7 times a week. Make sure to provide relevant content and people will seek you out.


Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

Twitter is the world’s leading microblogging platform. The reach is tremendous. Your Twitter following can be strategically used to grow traffic to your business by occasionally dropping links to it in your tweets.

For this though, you need to grow your Twitter following. On average the lifetime of a tweet is 18 minutes so tweeting is a volume game. To grow your Twitter following — tweet consistently and tweet often.

With Elon Musk taking charge and tweaking the platform, this might change but tweeting is a game of timing as well. Saturday is the worst day to tweet, and 7–9 AM on a Friday is the best and most popular time to tweet. Wednesday at 9 AM is also a favored option. Per Hubspot, the best time to tweet is between noon to 3 PM or later at 5 PM. Experiment and see what times you get the most engagement and design your Tweeting regimen accordingly.

You also need to engage consistently with influencers and thought leaders. Doing so leads to more eyeballs on your tweets and may ultimately result in more conversions. Promote your Twitter everywhere. Lean into your networks.


If you strategically leverage your Linkedin, Quora, and Twitter — you’re going to supercharge your growth as a creator.

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Neil S
Practice in Public

PhD candidate, dad, comic book collector, Georgetown law grad. I like writing about politics, finance, watches and writing. Let's talk!