3 Powerful Truths About Zulie Rane That Will Explode Your Writing Now

Tips from an expert Medium writer with 164K+ followers

Francis Ekwunife
Practice in Public
2 min readAug 12, 2024


Image Credit — Zulie Rane

It’s hard to always write without knowing if you’re doing the right thing.

You put your sweat and blood out there and receive nothing in return.

I understand your pain.

But Zulie Rane has figured out a way around this dilemma and now her writing has touched millions.

Let me show you 3 powerful truths about her that will completely explode your writing.

She dislikes discount sales

Zulie doesn’t like products, courses, or services that come at a discount because she believes it destroys its value.

This should be the same for you as a writer.

As a writer, you have value and whatever you create is valuable too.

So whenever you offer courses, services or products, make it so valuable that you don’t need to provide discounts.

You can add bonuses.

But, know you’re a rare commodity and whatever you create is valuable.

So don’t destroy your value with discounts.

Zulie Rane isn’t her name. It’s her pen name

When Zulie started writing, she was scared about putting her real name online.

But she didn’t let that stop her.

So she found a way around it and chose Zulie Rane as her pen name to write online.

This means you shouldn’t let fear keep you from writing online.

Even if you’re scared of hitting publish, scared that your boss will see your work and fire you or someone will criticize you for your beliefs, don’t let it keep you back from writing online.

Real results belong to the fearless.

Her course launch to her email list flopped

Zulie’s first-ever course launch to her email list flopped with 0 sales, but she didn’t let that failure weigh her down and discourage her.

Instead, she learnt from her mistakes and from those who’ve run better course launches than her and it paid off because her course launches are now successful.

As for you…

Don’t let 1 failure define you, make you depressed and keep you from trying again because we writers always fail.

What matters, is you use that failure to your advantage and do better next time.

Learn from others and your mistakes, tweak them and you’ll be ahead of 98% of writers.

Final thought

The best writers fall 7 times and get up 8.

Zulie is one of those writers.

Be one of them, too.

Do you agree with what Zulie has to say? Tell me in the comments.

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Francis Ekwunife
Practice in Public

Posts about: Self-improvement, writing online, and growing your newsletter. Free newsletter growth course: https://blogger-16.ck.page/4bb6a8ba72