3 Things To Give Up If You Want Inner Peace

“Don’t search for anything except peace. Try to calm the mind. Everything else will come on its own.” — Baba Hari Das

Yash Sharma
Practice in Public
3 min readJul 10, 2023


Photo by Colton Duke on Unsplash

Peace is something that everyone aims for.

No matter what you do, where are you from, and how much money you make. In the end, you always want to sleep in peace.

Don’t you?

So, why not make it your no.1 priority and cut out all the negative behavior that causes a depressing life?

  • The unproductive morning routine.
  • Living by default.
  • Criticizing yourself.
  • Toxic people

Here are three things to quit if you want inner peace.

Stop Wasting Morning Hours

Morning hours are designed to prepare your mind for a peaceful day.

In the morning, you’ve many things going on — Nightmares, Ideas, and things to work on. And when you keep putting irrelevant information through social media and gossip, you end up being stressed out.

Research shows that people who slow down in the morning live a peaceful life. When you slow down in the morning, your true self comes out. A person starts to shape his life to the fullest. You feel the calmness in your nature. You get aware of your life and start making changes.

So, stop wasting morning hours if you want inner peace. You’re not going to live a happy life from scrolling and chilling out. It gives you cheap dopamine with later on regret.

Think deeply.

Don’t Live Your Life By Default

The people who design their life have peace of mind.

They have control over their life, and they know what they’re doing. This attitude helps their mind to process things better.

99% of people don’t know what they’re doing, and they go to work but don’t enjoy working. They didn’t make time to explore their interest and end up being stressed out. They drive naturally to lesser goals that life throws at them. With this approach, they live an unhappy life. As there is no such thing that brings joy to them.

If you’re one of them, stop living like a default. Explore what you love and get to know yourself better. If you do what you love, you’ll see the stillness and happiness in your nature.

You live 10X better if you create your own life.

Stop Criticizing Yourself

People who love themselves tend to live a happy life.

You only live once, and it’s not worth it criticizing yourself for temporary failures. It paralyzes your mind, and you start losing yourself.

If you want peace, stop being hard on yourself. Stop letting people, temporary setbacks, and past events define your future. When you criticize yourself for a stretch, you lose your confidence and self-esteem. And when you lose your true self you end up being depressed. Life is about imperfections, and you should allow yourself to make mistakes.

Instead of being hard every time, start loving yourself. It’s ok to feel low for some time, but after you’re done with pity party, get back to work, and keep your value high.

What do you think?

Key Takeaways

Use the above methods to start living a peaceful life ahead.

The moment you cut out all the negative aspects that cause stress you’ll feel much lighter, and the calmness in your nature. Because our bad habits pull us from creating our life, they give us cheap dopamine, but in the end, we don’t feel productive.

I hope you choose wisely.



Yash Sharma
Practice in Public

23 years old | Helping you overcome fears, make consistent improvements, and accomplish goals 10X faster.