3 Weird Writing Tips That Give You Results

It’s not about how to write.

Sumanpreet Kaur
Practice in Public
3 min readNov 14, 2023



Did you ever realize we keep wasting energy on fixing the side effects of problems rather than the core problem?

Such as,

  • Managing time rather than managing yourself to improve your productivity.
  • Blaming work for the stress rather than inspecting your thoughts.

And the same scenario is with writing.

The issue isn’t only with words but also with your thinking, creativity, knowledge, experiences, research, and much more to write meaningfully for the readers.

Do groundwork to increase the flow of ideas and craft them into words.

1) Reduce your worries and tension

Your mental health is the partner to write. How can you put words and write if it’s not well?

Stress impacts your creativity, such as switching tasks and cognitive flexibility; however, it does not always negatively impact you [According to studies].

Research suggests that ripple effects can be seen in your physiological changes followed by stress. That impacts your neuronal functions (Nerve cell activities in your nervous system).

Anxiousness and worries overcome your creativity to stop you from getting better ideas.

When your mind is messed up, your writing suffers, and creativity shrinks.

You spend long hours writing, rewriting, deleting and reading others’ content for inspiration — Still, you don’t get to the point of writing.

  • Know your emotions to deal with them. Think light.
  • Look for the solutions rather than stressing yourself about the problems.
  • Give time to yourself to heal.

That impacts your writing profoundly.

2) Have experiences

Living in a box of four walls can’t give you real-life experiences.

These events can vary from small to large ones.

Minor yet impactful experiences, like talking with people, observing, watching movies, walking and reading.

Large adventures ones can be

  • Trips and visiting new places.
  • Learning new skills.
  • Practicing your hobbies.

Remember, writing is incomplete without stories, and stories come from experiences.

Your experiences can give you ideas you’re searching for online.

Personal stories can add colors to your writing, making it pleasing and resonating for people, as this Novel got a new direction with the unique story of this writer’s father’s death.

3) Don’t only write

Only writing isn’t the solution to better writing.

Write. Read aloud. Analyze.

Analyze your:

  • Research
  • Storytelling
  • Choice of words
  • Topics and themes
  • The knowledge you spilt for the readers.
  • The experiences you share and how you make it engaging.

Do experiment with your writing styles and tips. Analyze what your audience likes the most.

Then, observe your improvement monthly.

Ask for feedback from your seniors or friends to know the lacks and good points about your writing.


The more you explore into the writing, the more things you’ll find to learn and get better. That’s why the writing journey is upward to infinite.

So, work on the core parts:

  • Reducing worries
  • Having experiences
  • Going beyond writing

Solve the problems of specific categories through your writing, and they’ll reward you with your expected results sooner or later.

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