30 Articles in 30 Days; Who’s Joining?

Build writing momentum, creativity, and discipline

Trishna Utamchandani
Practice in Public


Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Writing is an everyday affair. It’s a muscle you be exercise. When you do, it becomes stronger. When you don’t, it becomes weaker. Like any muscle in your body, there is no standard level. It either strengthens or weakens.

30 articles in 30 days builds this muscle. They don’t have to be perfect nor do they need to flow. They just must be written and published daily.

It’s actually not a discountable skill. You’ll need to write for sales, marketing, development and maintenance. You need to write to communicate- for better or for worse.

I haven’t done a challenge like this before, but I know what it can do for me. It builds momentum, which can rapidly grow your online presence and help you build an audience. It helps you understand your own style of writing, which can help you write content faster and better. More importantly, it forces you to find a way to be disciplined and consistent. Small steps everyday go longer than one big leap sporadically.

Write for yourself, but also write for others. Validate your ideas online, so that when you build a product on the internet, your voice isn’t muffled.

Simply pick a date, and start writing.



Trishna Utamchandani
Practice in Public

I write about personal development, relationships and love, nutrition and lifestyle. Open to projects.