4 Unusual Ways To Come Up With Article Ideas In the Next 4 Minutes

You might never have heard of these

Eve Arnold
Practice in Public


Photo by Tyrell James on Unsplash

If you’ve ever tried to create on the side, you’ll know that being able to come up with ideas can be a stumbling block. When you don’t have much time, the easiest option is to just pick off the easiest ideas and run with them.

  • Focus on your habits, not your goals.
  • Money doesn’t make you happy.
  • Follow your passion.

It’s why we see the same regurgitations of ideas spilling out all over the internet. It’s why copycat brands exist. Coming up with new, unique ideas is hard. In fact, some argue it’s impossible.

“It is impossible. We simply take a lot of old ideas and put them into a sort of mental kaleidoscope. We give them a turn and they make new and curious combinations.”- Mark Twain

But if you’re here, you want to create content that goes beyond the obvious, content that drives people to think differently, content that allows you to spill your heart out onto the page.

If that’s you, here are 4 ways to come up with killer ideas.

1. Connect the dots

