5 Military Leadership Principles missing in Business Organizations

Leadership principles have been around for thousands of years and yet, I am still wondering why some basic leadership principles are so rarely followed in business organizations.

Jakob Hysek
Practice in Public


My platoon shortly before reaching a summit during our mountain warfare training winter.

Let me get this straight from the start: I am no expert on leadership and I have little experience, but I am passionately accumulating knowledge and trying new techniques daily.

Additionally, I have followed the military officer education for the militia, i.e. the reserve. At the same time, I studied International Business Administration and Management, have 7 years of corporate and start-up experience and followed a three-year program to become a certified personal development coach.

Whenever you learn about strategy, you will stumble over Sun Tzu’s ‘Art of War’. It is similar to when you want to learn about leadership, you will learn about principles used in the military. Simon Sinek titled his leadership book “Why Leaders eat last” based on a rule in the military.

The C-19 pandemic has directed public focus to organizations that work well in crisis and guess what — the military is not only an expert in crisis mode but was designed for it.



Jakob Hysek
Practice in Public

I’m passionate about nature and personal development. After 6 years in the corporate world of SaaS sales, I am shifting gears to a start-up and self employment.