5 No-Nonsense Steps For Anyone Who Wants to Be the Next Viral Creator!

Follow them if you don’t want to beat the bush

Sweta Sharma
Practice in Public
8 min readAug 8, 2024


Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/woman-in-white-and-blue-stripe-tank-top-standing-on-brown-dried-leaves-during-daytime-NIe2pXP8OPc
  • I want to be the next content creator.
  • I can do what other successful creators are doing.
  • I can earn money and live life on my own terms.

Do you also ponder over these thoughts while scrolling through your social media feed?

If ‘YES’ then what’s holding you back?

Is it your fear, your circumstances, or anything that you don't want to talk about?

Whatever the case may be — I’m here to tell you — It’s POSSIBLE.

You can become the next viral creator.

But first, you need to figure out — how you’re going to do that.

This means you need to make a POA (Plan of Action).

When I started my content creation journey, I didn’t have this POA and that’s why it took me a lot more time to reach my goals.

And, as they say — sharing is caring, so, I’m writing this post to make sure that you don’t waste your time and effort doing what I did.

In this post, I’ll be sharing the exact POA that I wished to have used when I was taking that first step.

Don’t worry, this isn’t as complicated as you might think.

Let’s begin!

Step 1: Find Your Niche

Niche or category is the first thing that you need to decide.

It’s that sweet spot where your interests, skills, and audience needs intersect.

Think about what topics get you excited, what problems you love solving, or what unique perspective you bring to the table.

It could be —

  • Gardening
  • DIY
  • Finance
  • Home Decor
  • Digital Marketing, etc.

Note down whatever comes to your mind in a Google doc or on paper.

Now, choose any 5 topics from the ones you’ve written.

The goal is to find a broad niche that can be further used to create content for these sub-niches.

Let’s say you go for the ‘Beauty’ niche, your potential sub-niches could be.

  • Skincare
Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/white-round-plastic-container-on-brown-woven-basket-a6OxyVdFzSA
  • Makeup
  • Haircare
  • Nail art
  • Anti-aging

You can also choose a very specific niche but I prefer to go with a broad one because that will give ample content ideas.

I chose the ‘Motivation’ & ‘Greetings’ niche because I have a keen interest in them.

Step 2: Validate Your Niche

Validating your niche is crucial because it ensures there’s an audience interested in your content.

Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/person-holding-black-and-white-bic-lighter-KsLPB7W6b0s

Also, it helps you avoid wasting time and resources on a niche that lacks demand or engagement.

There are several tools available out there that can help you find — is your niche worth trying or not.

Like Google Keyword Planner, UberSuggest, Aherfs, etc.

I’ve compiled a lot of research tools in this post. Give it a read!

Suppose you want to check about the ‘Beauty’ niche by using Google Keyword Planner.

Here’s how to do this:

  • Go to https://ads.google.com/ and sign in with your Google account.
  • Click on ‘Tools’ then ‘Keyword Planner’ and at last ‘Discover New Keywords’.
  • Type in the keyword and then click ‘Get Results’.

You’ll see the monthly searches and related keywords for the typed word.


Review the search volumes, competition levels, etc.

As you can see the average monthly searches for this keyword range from 1k-100k (depending on the keywords).

This suggests that the beauty niche has significant interest and potential.

You can validate any niche with this method.

If you don’t want to use Google keyword planner, you can use other social media platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, etc.

Step 3: Choose the Right Platform

The internet has many social media platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Reddit, Quora, Pinterest, Medium, etc.


All different/similar in one way or the other.

To go viral on any platform you need to understand not just how to use the platform, but how content spreads on it, what type of content performs best, and how the algorithm works.

Spend time exploring the platform as a user first.

Pay attention to what shows up in your feed, what makes you want to engage with a post, and what features are most prominently displayed.

Answer these questions :

  • What are your current circumstances and available resources?
  • How much time can you dedicate to creating content?
  • What is your technical skill level?

These questions will help you determine which platform is best for you.

You can also look up the top creators in your niche and identify which platforms they're most active on.

I suggest starting with just one platform.

If you try to manage multiple platforms from the beginning, you may become overwhelmed.

The results?

You’ll give up sooner than you expected.

Step 4: Create & Share

We’ve selected the niche, validated it, also finalized the platforms.

Now, let’s move on to the game-changing step — creating content & sharing.

Your content type depends on your target audience and the platform you are using to share it.

Here are the different formats that I use to share my content across different social platforms:

  • Pinterest — Visual + Text-Based
Image by Author (Source: Pinterest Profile)
  • LinkedIn- Carousels, Personal Stories, Static Posts, etc.
Image by Author (Source: LinkedIn Profile)
  • Medium — Primarily text-based (visuals secondary)
Image by Author (Source: https://medium.com/about-me-stories/how-i-hit-1-million-on-pinterest-while-sitting-at-my-desk-job-its-not-luck-51b3b0243578)

Keep in mind, that your content needs to be visually appealing, engaging, and valuable.

Start by focusing on your ‘Hook’ means — the first few seconds of your video, the first line of your post, or the thumbnail of your image.

This is what will make people decide whether to engage with your content or keep scrolling.

Use bold colors, surprising statements, or eye-catching visuals to stand out from the crowd.

You can use different tools depending on what type of content you’re creating.

I use several tools. Some of them are:

  • Canva
  • Notion
  • Figma
  • Google doc
  • Creative Fabrica
  • Ideogram AI
  • PlaceIt, etc.

Firstly, try to use the free tools as much as possible, (If you can afford the paid versions, that’s great!)

After creating your content, share it with your tribe.

While sharing, use SEO-friendly practices and post it at optimal times.

Include a call to action. It will increase the chances of engagement.

The most important thing —

Don’t expect your first content piece to get 1 million views. It won’t happen!

Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/graphical-user-interface-72JOpRSTEe8

Focus on creating more and more content, providing value and you’ll soon start seeing some traction.

Step 5: Build Your Clan, Don’t Buy It!

Your clan is your biggest asset!

And, it takes a lot of patience, effort, and the right intention to build that loyal army of people whom you call followers.


Of course, you can try those get-quick schemes, but they often aren’t worth it.

A lot of people have reached out to me sharing their offers that will give me quick followers or engagement when I started, but I’ve found that building a genuine, engaged audience is far more valuable in the long run.

Try these hacks to build & grow your community :

  • Post regularly — the more content you’ve in store, the more users you’ll attract
  • Set aside 20–30 minutes each day to respond to all comments and messages.
  • Create a weekly content piece that actively asks for audience participation, like a Q&A session or a poll.
Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/man-in-black-jacket-holding-camera-during-daytime-mfWsMDdN-Ro
  • Host a live stream
  • Share a ‘behind-the-scene’ post once a week or anything that will make your readers familiar with your personal life (not your secrets)

I’m sharing the 75-Hard Challenge where I tell my readers what’s going on in my life apart from the content creation thing.

Final Thoughts!

Try these 5 steps but remember — the path to becoming a viral creator isn’t a straight line.

What works today might not work tomorrow.

Stay consistent, yet flexible, and keep showing up every day.

That’s where the magic happens!

What’s the one tip that you’ll add to this list?

Let me know in the comments.

See you in the next value-packed article! Same vibe, same place🌈.

Hey, pals! 👋 I’m Sweta — An Editor Turned Digital Content Creator.

If you’re on the lookout for content related to Passive Income, Digital Marketing, AI, etc. tap that ‘Follow’ button and be a part of my amazing community. It feels great to have awesome people on the team❤️

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🚀 Discover My Pinterest Secrets! Grab ‘The Pinterest Master Guide’ to Learn How I Got 70 Million Impressions and Earned thousands of $$$!

Image by Author (Pinterest Master Guide)

Before you leave, don’t forget to check out the amazing resources I’ve curated especially for you : )⬇️

AI Tools for Content Creation

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Sweta Sharma
Practice in Public

Hey, I'm Sweta! I help you build your personal brand by writing, AI & creating content. Join more creatives like you ➡️https://thebreakoutinsights.substack.com/