5 Reasons Dating is More Toxic Than Ever

The dark side of romance

Sushmita Singh
Practice in Public


Image by Charlie Foster from Unsplash

Your choice of life partner will determine 90% of your future happiness. So, finding someone to spend your entire life with is not a simple decision.

And all of us know this. Even if we’re in a relationship. I am so glad I met my husband before the Tinder era started. It’s getting harder and harder to find a decent guy/ girl to date.

What’s easy to find is someone who wants a casual relationship. It’s easy to find people who are not looking for anything serious.

With all the technological advances, you would think it’s easier to find love because your choices are not limited to your town or even your country, but that’s not the case.

Technology has made it even harder to find someone you can spend your entire life with because things are really complicated now.

Sometimes I feel super old because I don’t even know half of the terms people are using nowadays to explain their relationship status.

The landscape of modern romance has become increasingly toxic.

Even if you leave out the cultural and social toxicity, dating is hard. It doesn’t matter what your age is, or what your gender is, these are the 5 relationship situations to avoid if you are trying to…



Sushmita Singh
Practice in Public

Writer || Coder || Book Lover. Helping you evolve into the ultimate version of yourself. https://sushmitasingh.carrd.co/