5 Spartan Lessons to Improving Yourself and Conquer Life’s Challenges

Life-transforming lessons and teachings from the Spartans.

Al Roman
Practice in Public


Photo by Jaime Spaniol on Unsplash

Today, I find myself lacking motivation to write or engage in any activity. The thought of writing, going to the gym, creating content, or planning holds no appeal. All I want is to snuggle up in bed and enjoy some TV time, especially with the rain adding to the cozy atmosphere, making it the perfect day to relax and unwind.

This situation reminds me of a book I read a few months ago about the Spartans. The Spartans, famous for their military skills and unwavering discipline, have fascinated people for ages. Their way of life continues to inspire us even today.

In the book “Plutarch on Sparta” by Richard Talbert, we get an inside look at the lives and teachings of the Spartans as described by the Greek historian Plutarch.

Here are some lessons and teachings we can learn from the Spartans, as presented in this Book

1. Focus on Physical and Mental Discipline

Discipline is doing what you hate to do, but nonetheless doing it like you love it.” — Mike Tyson.

The Spartans believed in rigorous physical and mental training from a young age. Boys were trained…



Al Roman
Practice in Public

I write about topics that interest me. Currently, those topics are Stoicism, Self-Development and Copywriting. Learn more. 👇🏼 https://linktr.ee/Alroman