5 Steal-Worthy Tips to Effectively Communicate With Clients Online

Communication is key to captivating potential clients.

Adnan Aqeel
Practice in Public
6 min readFeb 23, 2023


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Most probably your first interaction with clients is through written words.

And if you fail to make the first positive impression with the right words, you struggle to grab the opportunity and the client will take no time to scroll past you and move to the other freelancer.

You know already that a face-to-face meeting is entirely different from a meeting through words.

Even if you are good at meeting in person, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re good at communicating through a word document.

But worry not.

You can learn this skill to effectively get your point across and make a positive impression. This will help you land more jobs so they keep coming back for what you have to offer.

I have observed most freelancers have skills and are well-versed in their craft. But they don’t know how to effectively communicate with the client and project themselves as a thought leader in a particular field. Often, their goal is to grab the project instantly without making a rapport with seamless communication.

But know that this is not how it works.

If you rush to seal the deal without proper communication, the client will doubt your abilities to get the job done efficiently.

In this post, I’ll give you some tips to communicate with clients the right way. These tips will not only help you captivate clients but equally works well when it comes to communicating with someone online.

Let’s get started:

1: Show acknowledgment

The most underrated tip is “acknowledgment.”

Yes, it’s important.

Acknowledge everything and reply accordingly when clients reach out to you.

Some freelancers don’t acknowledge and go straight to the last question client asked.

For instance… a client might start this way…

Hey, how are you?

I’m looking for content writers to create content on x.

How much do you charge for x project?

Are you available to start right away?



And if you’re an amateur writer, you might respond this way:

Yes, I can start right away. Please share more details.

What’s wrong with that, you ask?


This is the last thing you’d do if you want to work with the client. You didn’t answer each question separately which means you didn’t carefully listen to the client. When you don’t pay attention to details, you’ll come off as inexperienced and unprofessional whose main goal is to grab the opportunity right away.

However, there is a better way to respond to the above query.

Like this:

Hey (their name)

Thank you for reaching out!

I’m well, thank you! Hoping for the same for you. (don’t add too many exclamation marks in the message. If you have used it once, it’s enough.)

Yes, I can start right away (or after some time as you like better.)

It depends on exactly what you need. Can I ask you some questions before I share a more realistic figure?


Your name

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

This works even in your regular communication with visitors online.

If someone has recently connected with you on a social media platform and tells you something, it’s wise to acknowledge their statement first.

For instance, they might say:

Hey, glad to be connected. I love your content. Thank you for having me on board.

Instead of merely saying, you’re welcome, you can reply this way:

Hey, you’re welcome, and thank you for your lovely compliment. Glad to be connected. Let’s help, excel and grow together!

2: Ask the right questions

Client: I didn’t like the work. Please revise it.

You: Sure, I’ll get it done right away.

While your reply is acceptable, this is not the right way to communicate with the client.

The feedback from the client is so vague and general, it leaves no room for improvement except for hanging you in the middle anticipating and guessing what’s wrong with the submitted work.

You need to be specific. Ask the client where did it go wrong. In particular, what you didn’t like in the work. What can I include in the document to meet your exact needs and requirements?

By asking questions, you can dig deeply into the client’s likings and dislikings. You can better revise your work to avoid multiple revisions onward.

Doing clients’ work on vague assumptions will not work well always. It will be hit or miss. But when you ask the right questions based on the client’s feedback, your chance of providing the best work improves and keeps you from a ton of hassle later.

3: Build an emotional connection

Building an emotional connection with clients is a key factor in creating a long-lasting, positive relationship with them. Clients want to feel heard and understood. When they share their concerns or issues, actively listen and show empathy by acknowledging their feelings.

For instance,

Client: I’m feeling frustrated about my employees. They are not working up to their true potential. This drives me crazy.

You: I can understand why you feel frustrated about this situation. I would feel the same way if I were in your shoes.


By showing little empathy, you have set the stage where the client feels heard and validated.

It’s important to treat each client as an individual, not just a customer. Personalize your interactions with them, and show that you value their business.

Building an emotional connection with clients requires genuine care and attention. When you invest in building a relationship with your clients, you create a foundation for long-term loyalty and success.

4: Come off friendly

Coming off as friendly to your clients can help to build positive relationships with them and can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

It’s crucial to use friendly and conversational language when communicating with your clients online. Avoid using technical jargon or overly formal language, which can create a barrier between you and your client. It’s wise to make an effort to address their concerns and provide helpful solutions, even if it requires extra effort on your part.

Additionally, remembering small details about your clients can demonstrate that you care about them as individuals and value their needs and expectations.

When you express your appreciation for your client’s business by thanking them for their support and loyalty, you pave the way for long-lasting relationships.

Photo by Nick Page on Unsplash

5: Respond promptly

Responding promptly to client inquiries or concerns shows that you care about their needs and are committed to their satisfaction.

Clients appreciate when you go above and beyond to meet their goals. When you offer solutions to their problems, you demonstrate your commitment to their success.

If a client has an urgent request, you could offer to work overtime to deliver it on time. It not only builds a sense of community with your clients but also creates a shared sense of purpose and acceptance.

When you keep updating the client on the task at hand, you create an idea of belonging so clients don’t assume they are left out in the middle; rather, they are part of the entire process.


In today’s fast-paced business world, effective communication with clients is essential for building strong relationships and achieving success.

Whether communicating in person, over the phone, or through email, it’s important to be clear, concise, and empathetic.

To communicate effectively with clients, it’s crucial to be responsive, personable, and friendly. Responding promptly to inquiries or concerns, using friendly language, and showing gratitude for their business can create a welcoming environment that fosters positive relationships with clients.

By prioritizing the needs of your clients and building an emotional connection with them, you can create a foundation for long-term success and growth in your business.

Thank you for your precious time, friends!

Find me here on Linkedin.



Adnan Aqeel
Practice in Public

certified procrastinator | writer | humorist | engineer | poet | blogger | it's safe to say that im not a monster