5 Steps For Midlife Fulfilment Start Moving Forward With Your Health, Wealth, and Fitness

Feeling static in life? Break out of the rut with these five steps.

Stephen Cooke
Practice in Public
4 min readAug 10, 2023


Photo by Jordan Benton: https://www.pexels.com/photo/shallow-focus-of-clear-hourglass-1095601/

You wake up and have the stark realization that time flying by so fast. looking back another year has almost passed. You wonder “Has anything changed?”.

Your fitness is slipping, you pick binge-watching Netflix or YouTube over a bike ride, convincing yourself that documentaries are educational.

Breaking out of the endless education cycle to actually start improving your life | by Stephen Cooke | Aug, 2023 | Medium

It’s tough you’ve worked hard to get to where you are. You may even be earning good money yet each day feels the same and you’re not as wealthy as you thought you’d be in your thirties.

Fear not these 5 steps will shake up the routine and motivate you to move forwards and break out of your midlife stasis:

Step #1: Create a vision, you need to take aim!

You need a direction, each decision can be measured against progress or decline.

It’s going to take time, but decide what you want in 5–10 years, want financial freedom? Why? Is it to spend more time with your family or to travel the world? When you have your vision you can start creating a path and start making little steps in the right direction.

You’re not going to hit the target if you can’t see it.

Step #2: You have to start today, or you won’t start

Delays lead to excuses, if you don’t start now you may never take a first step.

If you don’t start it’s inevitable you’ll be in the same slump a day, week, or month later as nothing will have changed. Get moving, if you’re motivated today don’t waste it.

3 Powerful reasons to start today or risk never starting at all. | by Stephen Cooke | Jul, 2023 | Medium

Start your moving today and tomorrow you won’t want to lose your progress.

Step #3: Don’t Quit, at least give change a chance.

Set a timeframe when you can’t quit.

It could be a week or a month, but promise yourself you’ll carry on for that period without debiting from the plan.

This is powerful as you can still see an opportunity to quit, so it doesn’t feel permanent but allows you to get into a rhythm and practice for a decent period, and reap the rewards of consistency.

Then when the period is over you can make your decision, but don’t quit on a bad day.

Wait till you’ve had a good day then decide, it’s easy to quit when you’ve had a bad day, you’ve forgotten all the positives and what you have achieved, you just want it to be done.

On a good day, you can be more balanced and make an educated decision rather than a rash one.

Step #4: Be the person in your vision, act the part!

If you want to be the person in your vision become the person in you’re vision.

If you want to get fit, act like an athlete, then it’s inevitable your fitness will be a part of your identity and it will be easier to stay fit as it’s part of who you are. Each decision you make will be based on your new identity, it gives you clarity and direction.

You need to incorporate your vision to enact change.

Step #5: Design your environment, and set yourself up to win.

When it’s hard to start, it’s easy to slip back into old routines.

Want to start a morning running habit, get your kit out the night before, make the decision easy the next day, and don’t give yourself a chance to make excuses.

We all have external triggers, be mindful of yours. When you notice a behavior and understand the cause you can then change the environment to meet your goals. Trying to diet but every time you have a brew you grab a biscuit, stop buying biscuits for the cupboard, now if you want one it’s not easy, you have to walk to the shop and you can’t be bothered to do that right now.

Design your environment to make it easy to improve.

Break out of your midlife slump, with these five steps and start moving toward the life you want:

  • Step #1: Create a vision, you need to take aim!
  • Step #2: You have to start today, or you won’t start
  • Step #3: Don’t Quit, at least give change a chance.
  • Step #4: Be the person in your vision, act the part!
  • Step #5: Design your environment, and set yourself up to win.

Thanks for reading, I’d love your thoughts leave a comment.



Stephen Cooke
Practice in Public

Engineer & Small business owner | Writing about self improvement, Investment and fatherhood.