5 Things Likable People Don’t Do

Simple observations to level up socially

Nick Baldomar
Practice in Public


Photo by Duy Pham on Unsplash

Humans are social creatures. We thrive on connection with others and in our evolutionary past relied on each other for survival.

Being a part of the tribe meant being able to work well with others. If you rubbed others the wrong way you might have risked being thrown out into the wilds.

This meant fewer chances for survival. It also meant a harder and less enjoyable life.

The benefits of being likable are clear; higher chances to find romantic partners, better job prospects, and more opportunities, among a myriad of other positive things.

This is your ready, set, go moment. Make it count!

1. They don’t overexplain

Have you ever been around someone who tells you every detail about anything and everything without hesitation?

If you’re like 99.9% of people, this behavior just doesn’t feel good on the receiving end. Sure, you may be thinking to yourself, this person is sharing a lot with me, they must like me.

Maybe. The fact of the matter is that if they’re sharing this stuff with you, and they barely know you, they’re probably doing that with everyone.



Nick Baldomar
Practice in Public

I am fascinated by the mind and inspired by human potential. Enticed by synergistic thinking. Continually searching for enhanced clarity and creativity.