5 Writing Tips That Will Make Your Writing Standout Compared to 98% of People

Here’s the approach I take

Eve Arnold
Practice in Public


Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

One million people read my writing this year.

It blows my mind to write that. No doubt this writing thing has changed my life and I’m so ordinary it hurts. I took a science degree and an MSc in behavioural science.

Writing is not my thing. Or so I thought. But it turns out that everything I learned in life led me to become a writer on the internet.

I have four rules for writing on the internet and one mindset. Here they are.

1. Write without expectation

Not everything you write will be good.

In fact, about 9% is any use. For most, some days that’s even less. I’ll write for hours and look back and the page and render it all completely useless. That’s the deal with writing.

It’s a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. Some days you win. Some days you lose. Some days you want to throw the laptop out the window.

That’s okay. Write first, edit second.

Try not to overthink it too much, the market will decide what ‘good enough’ is. It’s your job to just keep tapping away.

2. Write with emotion

