6 Ways To Write Addictive Content Your Audience Craves To Read

Practical tips to write content that ain’t boring

Matt Giaro
Practice in Public


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Creating “valuable” content isn’t enough to get noticed.

When I first started writing online 12 years ago, people valued information. You could attract an audience simply sharing top-notch tips about your expertise.

Today, things are different.

You can’t just be another boring talking head. You have to be entertaining. Your audience needs to desperately crave the content you’re putting out to get a chance to get noticed.

Here are 6 tips to help you write addictive content.

Steal Netflix’s audience

You’re not competing against the writer next door.

You’re competing against big tech who’re working 24/7 on making their stuff as addictive as fentanyl.

The problem isn’t just about writing something good. It’s about grabbing (and keeping) attention.

I used to spend hours crafting articles and blog posts nobody read. I thought they were good, packed with information. Meanwhile, I saw other creators blowing up. They got more views, shares, and comments than my dissertations.



Matt Giaro
Practice in Public

6 Figure Creator. Helping experts turn their ideas into income with online content (in just 2h/day.) Start now 👉 https://mattgiaro.com/medium