7 Easy Ways to Become More Productive

Boost your efficiency with these simple tips

Blaise Ticha
Practice in Public
3 min readMay 22, 2024


Photo from Pexels

Feeling overwhelmed with endless to-dos? Always running behind no matter how hard you try? We’ve all been there — that endless cycle of procrastination and playing catch-up.

But what if I told you there are dead simple ways to get more done in less time? No crazy life overhauls needed, just a few smart productivity hacks.

You in? Let’s dive into 7 easy-to-implement tips to blast through your tasks and finally achieve that work-life balance.

1) Single-task like a pro

Our culture praises multitasking, but it’s one of the biggest productivity killers out there. Instead of juggling multiple tasks, try focusing on just one at a time.

My buddy Jake used to have 20 browser tabs open, constantly switching between them. He’d spend entire days feeling frazzled without making real progress.

Then he started dive-bombing into each task solo — giving it his full presence and energy. His output skyrocketed and he got so much more quality work done (with way less stress).

2) Timeboxing FTW

Want laser-focus for defined periods? The timeboxing technique is a gamechanger.

  • Simply set a timer for however long you want to concentrate (I recommend 45–60 mins at a time)
  • During that window, you’re 100% engaged on that one task — no distractions allowed
  • When the timer goes off, take a 5–10 minute break to stretch, grab a snack, etc.
  • Then it’s back to cranking away for another timebox session

Following this rhythm of intense focus + short recharge breaks maximizes what you can achieve.

3) Optimize your environment

You’d be amazed at how much physical spaces impact our productivity.

Maybe your home office needs decluttering. Or curating the perfect pump-up playlist. Adding a plant, fan, or ambient lighting could provide the ideal vibe.

My friend Liz rearranged her workspace to have a view of the outdoors. That tiny switch gave her much-needed boosts of calmness and inspiration throughout the day.

Even basic things like keeping a water bottle nearby makes a difference. Assess what helps you thrive and tweak accordingly.

4) Master your morning routine

How you start the day is everything — it creates the momentum for maximum productivity.

Wake up a little earlier if you can, and carve out at least 30 minutes for yourself. Use that time to do whatever energizes and centers you:

  • Light exercise or stretching
  • Journaling
  • Meditation or prayer
  • Reading something inspirational
  • Simply enjoying a cup of coffee in silence

When you prime yourself first thing, you’ll approach the madness from a more grounded space.

5) Schedule recovery time

Balance is key for sustainable productivity

Despite what our hustle culture preaches, downtime is essential for sustainable productivity. You need pockets to fully recharge — otherwise, you’ll crash and burn after those first few hours.

So schedule short breaks throughout the workday to refuel. And perhaps more importantly, block off entire evenings or weekends as true off-periods.

Use that recovery time guilt-free for hobbies, socializing, bingeing Netflix — whatever lights you up. That mental detox prevents burnout and keeps your motivation soaring.

6) Stop drowning in emails

…By implementing a batched approach. Constantly switching between tasks and emails is a killer time suck.

Instead, allocate just 2–3 specific windows per day to plow through emails. Outside those batched times, keep your inbox closed and resist the urge to peek.

You’ll be stunned by how much more focused and productive you become. No more jumping rabbit trails with every new message notification!

7) Say ‘no’ often

We often overcommit because our heart wants to help. But saying yes to everything quickly leads to burnout and resentment.

Guarding your time is the greatest gift. So learn to reject requests that don’t align with your highest priorities.

It may feel uncomfortable at first, but stick with it. The more you get in that “no” practice, the more liberated you’ll feel.

Those are 7 simple tactics to ramp up your productivity without killing yourself in the process.

They just take a little conscious effort to put into motion. After a while, these smart habits become second nature.

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Blaise Ticha
Practice in Public

I'm a notion creator and a writer. I enjoy showing my work progress with people and also share some of my own tips to help anyone who comes across them.