8 Signs You’re Being Gaslighted

How to recognize them in the workplace.

Kim Vansant
Practice in Public


Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

“Gaslighting is mind control to make victims doubt their reality.” — Tracy Malone

The bullying and gaslighting started when I raised my hand and defended a couple of people that were being marginalized by a person of authority. My new assistant manager was talking behind their back to me and other employees inappropriately about their lifestyle choices and work habits.

These people had no idea that I spoke up. One of them really didn’t need me to defend him. He was higher up the authority ladder than the offender and wouldn't have suffered professionally, and the other seemed to be mutually disliked by most and was eventually pushed to his emotional limits.

Before I raised my hand, I was happy and productive. I was learning quickly, making friends, and had positive feedback. After it was all said and done. I was an emotional wreck, doubting my self-worth and my sanity, and was having thoughts of self-harm.

I was told almost daily that I was horrible at everything. Customer service and sales skills that I had formally excelled at were called into question. My work suffered. I doubted every single move I made to the point I felt paralyzed and unable to improve and move…



Kim Vansant
Practice in Public

Homesteader, gardener, chicken tender-er, feral cat whisperer. Dreamer. Writer, & Sharer of stories from writers from around the world. twitter.com/WriterKVS