8 Unusual Habits That Boost My Creativity

Pump up your creative juices.

Prakriti Sharma
Practice in Public
5 min readApr 10, 2023


Image Credits: Unsplash by Noah Buscher

I dread the days I don’t feel creative!

Getting quality ideas is like a drug to me, the days I don’t get them, I go through a super hard time. So this pushed me to figure out concrete ways to enhance my creativity.

Creativity is like a muscle you can build it the way you built your quads and biceps - the more you exercise the bigger it’s going to get.

“Creative work is not a selfish act or a bid for attention on the part of the actor. It’s a gift to the world and every being in it.”
Steven Pressfield, The War of Art: Winning the Inner Creative Battle

You can steal the list of 8 unusual habits that I’ve been following for a year to be more creative -

Pen & Paper

Picture Credits: Unsplash by Thought Catalogue

In the world of technology where every idea of yours can be recorded on either a mobile phone or laptop.

I still love using old-school pen and paper to write ideas, take notes, build plans, and many more things. To be able to feel the resources that allow me to write, in my hands gives me a better outlet for my thoughts.

You can steal it for your own gain. If you’re trying to brainstorm on a creative piece, having a structure written out of your hands on a piece of paper can prove to be beneficial. This is a suggestion given to me by my friend Nikhil Vemu. You can try it out for yourself and see if it helps you.


Picture Credits: Unsplash by Mad Rabbit Tattoo

Brisk walking has been one of the best activities by far and has taken me out of creativity blocks.

I put on my pink-colored sports shoes 15 mins after waking up and go down for a walk in nature.

Wake up early morning, put on your sports clothes and shoes, and start walking, it’s best if you can do it in nature rather than on a treadmill. Slow walk or brisk walk, with the sound of sweet birds in your ears. It has proved to be a great way to start my day in high spirits.

“All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking.”

Friedrich Nietzsche


Picture Credits: Unsplash by Kelly

During mornings or sometimes post sunset, I go out and water the plants. Pluck out any dead leaves or flowers.

The smell of the wet mud, ahh, touches the creativity unit in my body. Spending time caring for my little garden proves to be therapeutic in its own beautiful way.


Picture Credits: Pixabay by Dimitri

If I start I will not be able to stop talking about the benefits of meditation, there are COUNTLESS. If you know about Ray Dalio, the author of a famous book called Principles and the founder of one of the biggest investment management companies called Bridgewater Associates — He swears about the benefits of meditation. No fancy techniques, just sit and observe your breath. Let your thoughts pass by without getting distracted.

I think meditation has been the single biggest reason for whatever success Ive had

Ray Dalio

No Intoxication

Picture Credits: Unsplash by Fred Moon

I’ve not had a single drop of alcohol or any form of intoxicating substance in the last 500 days. Oh boy, it feels phenomenal.

There was a time when I use to drink at least once a week and from there to no alcohol at all. This feels like a personal victory.

One of my mentors told me that when you experience the actual intoxication of life you’ll not resort to any methods of artificial intoxication, and that is cent percent true.


Picture Credits: Unsplash by Brooke Cagle

I’m sure you would have heard the saying “ Laughter is the best medicine”.

Whoever came up with this wasn’t joking, Laughing indeed is the best medicine. It not only relieves stress but has many benefits. It reduces cortisol (stress hormone) levels too.

Whenever I have a hearty laugh, I feel more creative naturally.


Picture Credits: Unsplash by Alan

I swear by massages- be it full body, head, or back massage. If you haven’t taken any till now, book an appointment for yourself if you have a free hour this weekend.

Massages feel super relaxing, and a relaxed human being is the storehouse of creativity. My personal favorite is Deep Tissue Massage, from an Ayurvedic Center, especially Kerala Ayurveda.

The essence of warm medicinal oil pouring all over your body provides deep relaxation and alleviates any kind of tension in the muscles.


Picture Credits: Unsplash by Crystalweed

Have you heard of the famous productivity technique called The Pomodoro Technique?

25 mins of deep work followed by 5 mins break, and a longer break after 4 such slots. Breaks play an extremely important role in productivity.

Do not fall prey to advise that promises — No breaks make you efficient, it’s the other way around.

The old saying “ All work no play makes Jack a dull boy or Jill a dull gal”, holds true. I had gone into a phase in life where I thought taking breaks was bad and I had unconscious guilt trips every time I would chill.

Now that I work and relax in equal proportions, I find myself happier and way more creative.

Hi friend, if you liked this article do share it with your friends and family for them to benefit.

Check out my website: https://thelifeterrain.com/ for more such interesting blogs.



Prakriti Sharma
Practice in Public

Finding a sweet spot between Life, Spirituality, Health and Productivity based on my personal experiences. Drop a note📧 copywriting.ps@gmail.com