9 Life Lessons From My 20s

The things they don’t tell you

Eve Arnold
Practice in Public


Photo by Midas Hofstra on Unsplash

In 7 months I turn 30.

Vom. I can’t quite believe that. I remember feeling old at 23, now I’m feeling young at 29. Life is quite the oddity, really. My twenties have been a baptism of life.

I’ve taken the training wheels off and fell flat on my face. Proper, face down, in the mud, nose bleeding, on my face. And it’s hurt like hell.

But it’s the most alive I’ve ever felt. There has been one tremendous theme that has lit up my way throughout my twenties and it’s been this:

Take everything you think you know and look again.

Here’s every lesson I wish somebody would have told me (although I probably wouldn’t have listened) going into my thirties.

1. Take it seriously, all of it

Life is enjoyed three times: once in anticipation, once in the moment, and once after the fact.

So optimize every opportunity.

I’ll give you an example. I’m organizing a tea party on Friday (I know who am I?) I’ve never had afternoon tea, I don’t own a teapot, I’ve googled seventeen times how to make sandwiches.

Yet, I’m working on my menu, I’ve ordered a tablecloth, a tiered cake thing, I’m going to make…

