A Perfect Routine Is the Quickest Way to Destroy Your Side Hustle

Sprinkle some fun into the day won’t you?

Eve Arnold
Practice in Public


Photo by Brian Lawson on Unsplash

Routines are they are about the fastest way to suck all the fun out of life.

Wake up at 5 am on the dot. No, I won’t have toast for breakfast, I’ll be having oats. Dog walk at precisely 7 is with us waiting by the door at 6:59 am and not a moment later. The gym is at 7 pm, dinner is at 8 pm, bath and bed by 10 pm and ready for tomorrow. To repeat the exact same thing over again.

What a snooze fest.

Routines suck all the fun out of life

We’re constantly told the way to reach our goals is to build habits and create routines. Those people are the ones that get to December and feel good about themselves because they’ve hit every single one of their New Year's resolutions.

Successful people are those that wake up early. That doesn’t debate which outfit to wear. They have calendars ready-made a week in advance. Those that drink a piping hot espresso followed by a kale smoothie. They go to work in immaculate cars. They only buy the best of the best. They schedule a time to prune their gardens.

The people with less routine are seen as less together. Those that fall onto the couch after a day of…

