A Simple Advice on How to Find Your Niche

Be yourself.

Manav Tyagi
Practice in Public


Enjoying a marriage in Jodhpur, Rajasthan in India. Photo of author.

Writing comes naturally to me.

And why not — I’ve been writing since childhood.

I feel everyone can be a writer. It’s natural.

But, what everyone cannot do is “become a loved writer.”

It’s a slow process.

Consistency and patience are the deep roots of the mighty tree of writing, providing the strength and stability needed for growth and enduring success.

To be consistent and patient, we need to love what we do.

But, there is one more thing the internet talks about — niche.

I understood my niche late in my journey.

My Journey to Find My Niche

In April 2024, I published my 100th article on Medium. I felt happy.

Soon my happiness melted like ice in the blazing summer sun.

Something was missing. My stats weren’t great by any means.

I researched on the internet about it and found things like algorithms, which weren’t in my control.

I ignored those and focused on what I could change or make better.

