Achieve the Goals Others Only Dream Of

Dom Pfeiffer
Practice in Public
Published in
6 min readAug 4, 2022

Why you failed before and how to fix it

Frank was tired of feeling like a failure. As he zapped through the television programs, he saw yet another ad for a product that promised to lose his smoking habit for him. But unfortunately, it never seemed to work for him. He’s tried quitting smoking several times, but he always returns to his old ways. Slowly he’s starting to believe that the life he dreams of is not meant for him. Maybe it would be better if he settled for mediocre? At least then, he would spare himself the stinging disappointment that always follows his failed attempts.

What it means to live a truly authentic life

Are you too tired of feeling like you’re stuck in a rut? Are you fed up with watching everyone around you achieve the goals you only dream of? You’re not alone. So many people feel they can’t break out of their routine and achieve their desired success. And it’s not for lack of trying. You’ve probably tried every trick in the book to get motivated, but somehow you always end up back where you started.

It’s easy to feel discouraged when it seems everyone else can do what you can’t. But deep inside, you know that you are meant for more. You must find a way to break through that barrier holding you back. If you do, you will change your own life and that of your family and friends. Somehow you get the feeling that it is about more than just the problem you are trying to overcome.

Behind the walls of your closely guarded life, you can see glimpses of the Wild. It is calling you, beckoning you to dare and leave the confines of your known world behind. It is the land of your dreams and imagination, full of adventure and excitement. It is a place that makes you feel alive. And so you must make a choice. Will you continue to tread the known paths and routines, leaving the Wild to your daydreams? Or will you muster the courage and explore what you are genuinely called to be?

How To Know If Pursuing Your Dreams Is Right For You

What you so desperately long for is meant for you. That is why you cannot stop thinking about your goal and how your life would be different. You would not care about it if it were not meant for you. Think of all the people you know that do not share your dream — it does not allude to them because it is not theirs to start with. But, for you, that is a different matter.

Let me be crystal clear: it will not be easy. Nothing will stay the same. If you follow your dreams, you leave behind everything you know. Countless tales talk of this: the old has to die for something new to begin. Your old life seemed orderly and even predestined.

In your new life, you will lose yourself to find who you are. It is a vast and limitless place, full of dangers and potential. Changing your life is not for the faint of heart. But I know you have all it takes to succeed. You ask: “How can you be so sure?” Because it is what you want. What you seek is seeking you.

The Truth About Realizing Your Dreams

You were the master of your old life. In your new life, you will be the student again. If this weren’t true, you would have already achieved what you wanted. But you have not — not yet. Do you want to know why you have failed before? Because somehow you believed that to succeed, you would have to go it all alone. Pride tells us that we do not need anybody. Pride is a liar!

Think about it: If you really knew everything there is to know about healthy eating and living, would you need to lose that extra weight? If all you needed to make it big in business was your brilliant idea — why has the money not yet materialized? And if we just need to follow our intuition to become the best version of ourselves, why is your marriage so unhappy?

This is the hard truth about realizing your dreams: Nobody ever made it alone. We need all the help we can get to turn our lives around. Believe me, I have been there! Ten years ago, I was broke and in debt. My business lay in shambles, and the government wanted taxes that I could not pay. Before that crisis, I thought I had it all figured out. But, it turned out pretty quickly that I was wrong. I needed help, and urgently. You do not have to hit rock bottom to realize this.

Get the support you need to achieve your goals

This is how you achieve the goals that everybody else is only dreaming of: You seek out and take all the help you can get. Why would you make it harder for yourself than it has to be? Getting help is not cheating; it is the only way to succeed. How are you supposed to know how to lose weight, fix your relationship, run a successful business if you have never done it before? Where do these unrealistic expectations even come from?

As you stand at the outset of the Wild, you are overwhelmed by its beauty. But you are also unsure of where to go. You have never been here before and know nothing about navigating it. As you helplessly look around, you notice that something in the dark wood across the meadow is moving. You fear the worst as a colossal figure breaks through the bushes. You consider running back to safety, but then you realize his friendly face — this is your hero, and he is here to help you.

If you really want to turn your life around, you need a support system. Whatever you are trying to achieve in your life, somebody has already done it. And that is a good thing. People have already succeeded and are willing to share their experiences with you. All you need to do is follow their invitation and allow them to help you.

Why it’s important to have a support system

Some of them are sages. They have written books or poured their knowledge into online courses. They enable you to soak up decades of experience in days or even hours. Others are guides. You can hire coaches or mentors to train and work with you. They will also hold you accountable and accelerate your progress. Some are teachers that travel with a group of students. If you join a mastermind group, you will not only profit from the group leader’s experience but also enjoy strength in numbers of fellow travelers.

Help from others is available in so many different shapes and forms. Motivation can only get you interested in starting the journey, and willpower enables you to take the first steps. But this is as far as you are going to go alone. If you want to heed the call of the Wild and live the life of your dreams, you need others to help you along.

When you understand that and are willing to follow their wisdom and experience, you will go further than you ever thought possible. And as you do, you will be grateful for their support and empowerment. And once you have received it, pass it on to others who need your help.

So, what is it going to be for you? Will you stay in the cocoon of the life you know? Or are you going to break free of its constraints and transform into the butterfly you were always meant to be? I want to see you fly! So, let me know if I can help you with that.



Dom Pfeiffer
Practice in Public

Went from being a preacher, broke, failed to entrepreneur, six-figure income, world improver. Passionate about supporting people achieve success on their terms.