Are You Lazy Or Are You Tired?

Andriika Clark-Lewis
Practice in Public
Published in
5 min readJul 16, 2024


How To Know The Difference

Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash





You are safe here. The constant thoughts, feelings, notifications, interactions, always having to be on — They all stop right here in this moment.

Come back to yourself. You’ve worked hard. You are doing a great job and you are trying your best. At the end of the day, that is all that matters.

The stress of life can be overwhelming. Life today in 2024, looks so different from life many years or even centuries before. Lately, the perspective seems to be some people always look tired, and others look like they are idle. Our work-life balance is so out of whack that we don’t know if we are going or coming on some days. It seems that the months are turning into weeks, the weeks into days, and the days in to hours. Most of us are running and we haven’t stopped in awhile.

If we do stop and rest, we may be perceived as lazy. So we push ourselves to exhaustion or a breaking point. We are trying to keep up — keep up with everyone else, the latest trends, the new way to make money, social media. It has caused us to go into over-drive. We are no longer in tune with ourselves and it is showing. Our nervous-systems, bodies, and health — in all…



Andriika Clark-Lewis
Practice in Public

Teacher at heart, Lover of long walks, dogs, learning, music, art, pizza, nature, Personal development, and Spirituality.