Beat Laziness with These Simple Strategies and Boost Your Productivity

How small changes can make a big difference in your daily routine

Blaise Ticha
Practice in Public
4 min readApr 18, 2024


Image from Canva

Ugh, laziness — the ever-present struggle.

You know you’ve got goals to crush and dreams to chase after.

But mustering the motivation to take action? That’s a whole other beast to wrangle.

Wasting hours scrolling social media or zoning out on the couch feels so tempting in the moment. Yet you’re left feeling unfulfilled and guilty for your lack of productivity later on.

If you’re ready to break the cycle of procrastination and take consistent action towards your ambitions, these simple strategies can help override laziness for good:

1. Start Stupid Small

We often avoid taking that first step because our brains build up tasks as these massive hurdles in our minds.

“I’ll start eating healthier tomorrow…right after I go grocery shopping, meal prep for the week, read up on the best diet approach…”

See how easy it is to overcomplicate things before you’ve even begun?

The fix is ridiculously simple: break that big, intimidating task down into stupid small steps.

Want to start working out consistently? Cool, just commit to two minutes of bodyweight squats when you wake up. That’s it!

The goal is building momentum through a tiny habit, not achieving grandeur right away. You can build up from those stupid small starts over time.

2. Schedule Mini Routines

Part of why we fall into laziness traps is that we leave too much room for distraction during our days.

You wrap up that Netflix binge planning to work on your goals…only to scroll TikTok for 45 minutes and lose your motivation.

Instead, plan out mini routines in your calendar that clearly outline your priorities for different times of day.

Maybe you schedule:

  • 8–9am: Morning reading
  • 12–12:30pm: Workout
  • 7–8pm: Work on passion project

Having scheduled times dedicated to important tasks eliminates the “What do I do now?” dilemma. No room for laziness to creep in!

3. Environment Adjustments

We’re heavily influenced by the environments and cues surrounding us. Adjusting yours strategically can boost your productivity while making laziness way less desirable.

A few quick wins:

  • Keep your workout clothes and sneakers next to your bed to cue exercise first thing
  • Stock your kitchen with healthy, prepped snacks and meals to bypass fast food temptations
  • Cut out any apps or subscriptions enabling your laziest habits (looking at you, endless YouTube binge!)
  • Rearrange your living space to separate work/leisure zones

You don’t need an intense overhaul — just some minor tweaks to spark better habits automatically.

4. Prioritize Health Essentials

Mental fogs and physical sluggishness are procrastination’s best friends. Prioritizing sleep, nutrition, and general self-care instead fights laziness from the inside out.

When you’re firing on all cylinders, it’s way easier to beat back those bouts of demotivation and generate consistent action towards your goals.

A few simple health habit wins:

  • Aim for 7–9 hours of sleep — crucial for mental sharpness
  • Eat the way you’d want to perform (minimize processed junk!)
  • Carve out “refresh” breaks during your day to re-energize
  • Stay hydrated — grab a water bottle to keep sipping

You don’t have to strive for perfection. Just do what you can to give your mind and body the nourishment they need.

5. Flex Your Willpower Muscle

At the end of the day, overcoming laziness often comes down to practicing impulse control and following through on your intentions. It’s an exercise in willpower!

Left unchecked, those impulsive forces will always steer you towards comfort and the path of least resistance. Aka procrastinating via video games instead of doing your work.

The solution? Train your willpower muscles frequently through small, daily acts of discipline.

A few examples:

  • Wake up with your alarm, no snooze allowed
  • Stick to aPhone-Free morning routine
  • Do 15 minutes of deep work before checking any apps/emails
  • Tidy up your space before relaxing
  • Read for 30 minutes instead of automatically clicking the remote

Proving to yourself that you can resist short-term whims and follow through on your intentions supercharges your self-discipline over time.

No more snoozing or lazy halfhearted effort. Put these strategies into action and you’ll reclaim your motivation and crush your goals!

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Blaise Ticha
Practice in Public

I'm a notion creator and a writer. I enjoy showing my work progress with people and also share some of my own tips to help anyone who comes across them.