Blurred and Clear-Cut Lines

How to get more things done

Eve Arnold
Practice in Public


Photo by @ramu_aladdin on Unsplash

I can tell you that’s never happened in my life.

I have never (although I’m happy for this to be disproven) woke up one day, and spent 2 hours writing out my revitalised ambition for a new me, (I’m talking things like cutting all carbs, binning the crisp addiction, vowing to never eat a chocolate bar again and committing 100% to my side projects) and actually followed through with any of it.

If setting S.T.A.R goals worked, you and I would never need to read a productive blog again. In fact, if almost all of the productivity advice out there worked, there would be a redundancy for the advice straight after reading.

And it’s never happened to me (and probably never happened to you) because life doesn’t work in clear-cut ways, rules don’t work and pigeon-holing yourself just leads to you demanding to stretch your wings.

In my experience, the best way to navigate any new ambition is by blurring the lines. Let me explain.

The admission of a messy life

I’ll tell you a thought that’s been liberating my mind over and over for the last week. The realisation that my life will never be perfect or put another way, I will never be without problems.

