Do These 4 Things If You Wanna Build Massive Confidence

You won’t be confident if you can’t trust yourself

Kurtis Pykes
Practice in Public


Image created by author using Midjourney

If you lack confidence, you won’t go after the things you want.

This is one of the main reasons people live lives that don’t fill them with joy.

Their actions lack meaning, which makes it difficult for them to stick to things they’re not obligated to do — and they hate their obligations.

If these symptoms sound familiar, you’ve clicked on the right story.

The fixes below are bound to reverse the effects of low confidence.

As your confidence grows, you’ll be more motivated to take on audacious objectives, but you gotta start somewhere.

For you, that’s here…

#1 Do what you say you’ll do

You lose trust in yourself when you say you’ll do things but don’t do it.

It destroys your confidence.

Just think about it for a second….

If you had a friend who told you they’d show up at your house on an agreed date but failed to come without notifying you, what would you think?

You might let it slide the first time.



Kurtis Pykes
Practice in Public

SaaS Content Writer | Sharing everything I learn as I build my solo business to $10M in revenue