Do Yourself a Favour and Learn to Grab Life by the Balls

When you see an opportunity to change your life, do whatever it takes to make it happen.

Joy Taiwo
Practice in Public
3 min readDec 30, 2023


Photo by Tamara Bellis on Unsplash

Something happened to me recently.

I don’t want to go into intricate details as it is a personal, ongoing issue.

Nevertheless, I will share the lesson I learned the hard way.

I was stuck in a particular area of my life. I would spend hours overthinking about the magnitude and complexity of my problem.

One day, I got an email with an offer that was the solution to that problem. I glanced at the email and went on with the busyness of life. I went on with the overthinking and worrying.

I was so overwhelmed by the problem that the two-week deadline I had to accept the solution passed.

It was 60 days later I realized the rare opportunity I had lost, and tears were not enough to express the deep grief I felt over losing that chance to change my story.

Don’t be so obsessed with how dark and dreary your prison is that you don't even realize when your gates become open.

If your problem is so great then be obsessed with finding a solution.

The world won't give you what you do not take

To grab life by the balls means to take total control of your life.

It means to put life in a situation where you have complete power over it.

You don’t wait for opportunities to happen to you; you go and seek them.

You Tried. You were told no. Get over it.

By all means, grieve for lost opportunities.

The feeling of regret deeply etched in the heart makes you not repeat the same mistake.

The faster you can grieve, the faster you can get over it.

Trying again makes you heal faster.

Trying again removes the feeling of complete loss and hopelessness that making mistakes brings.

Know what you want and go after it.

Nobody deserves anything; it is simply a matter of who will take it for themselves.

So what do you want?

Go ahead, think about it. What do you want?

Now, take it.

It has a price?

Pay the price to get it.

I write not as someone who has gotten my “it” but as someone who is striving.

I have realized that no one is just a victim or a victor. Everyone is somewhere in between.

We have done bad things, but we have also done good things too.

We have done good things, but we have also done bad things too.

No one will give you anything if you don’t ask for it.

As much as I hate asking, it has been humbling to know and accept that I do not have all the tools or opportunities to reach my goals; however, there are others who own those resources and platforms, and sometimes all I need to do is ask.

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Joy Taiwo
Practice in Public

Highly Sensitive Person (Introvert). Certified in Psychological First-Aid