Does Distance Matter in Relationships

Feel like always miss out on family events?

Kiran Yadav
Practice in Public
2 min readMar 27, 2024


Photo by Sofiya Levchenko on Unsplash

Recently, we celebrated my nephew’s birthday who is now four years old. He is a Covid baby. He was born just one day before the lockdown was enforced in India.

I’m very fond of him He is incredibly mischievous and always engrossed in some activity, displaying the hyperactivity typical of the Alpha generation!

I called in the morning to wish him but he was still asleep. My family was planning his birthday party. So, I inquired about their plan. They had a few things in mind, we discussed about them and then hung up the phone.

Suddenly, FOMO surged within me.

Back when I lived with my parents before marriage, I used to take charge of planning for every occasion. My family practices simple living so whatever new trends used to come, I always introduced that to them.

They still wonder how I know about these things!

Birthday parties are my favourite. From cake to restaurant to what everyone will wear, had to be checked by me.

Today, as they were planning, I couldn’t help but feel like I was missing out since I’m now living with my husband in a different city, unable to be physically present with my family, although I am creating new memories with my new family.

I called my father back and asked him not to do the decoration. I will arrange for the decoration. I wanted to contribute to this special occasion in my own way.

My elder brother asked me not to bother as they had already planned. I jokingly retorted “ If I can’t make it into the birthday photos, at least let some balloons sneak into the frame on my behalf!

So, in future, I might proudly declare, “Yes, I did that. I was the mastermind behind decorating that wall!

As we grow older, we naturally drift away from our siblings with whom we’ve shared rooms, grown up, and been each other’s partners in crime.

As children, we are vulnerable and always crave our parents’ attention, always tagging along with them anywhere they go. Accepting separation from them seems impossible.

As adults, we venture out for work, navigating this world, making new friends, and creating our own families.

While physical distance may separate us, it’s crucial to keep our hearts close. Memories are precious, and we must cherish the time we spend with our loved ones whenever possible.

Our lives may be filled with endless pursuits, but the warmth of family bonds remains unparalleled. Even when living far away, we can stay connected and feel present in each other’s lives.



Kiran Yadav
Practice in Public

Uncovering my niche, exploring genres, making meaningful contributions along the way