Does Your Self-Doubt Kick in When You Try Something New?

It’s not that bad after all.

Vinod Kumar Kashyap
Practice in Public
4 min readAug 12, 2024


Photo by Alysha Rosly on Unsplash

Everyone has self-doubt, and it should happen. It shows that you are doing something new and will adopt something new. It means you are crossing some of your comfort zones.

Self-doubt creates a sense of fear of doing things. It makes you feel you cannot do them and can’t achieve what you think. It’s natural when you do something new.

“Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt.”
William Shakespeare

When you work outside your comfort zone, self-doubt kicks in. But you have to cross it for your growth. It will help you come out of your comfort zone.

Like everyone, I, too, face self-doubts. You are not alone in this. Despite my self-doubts, I have taken many steps that have significantly contributed to my growth.

I never thought I could write, but I pushed past my self-doubts. For instance, I was confused when asked to speak at a public event. But I accepted the challenge, and it was a rewarding experience.

What if no one acknowledges me? What if people laugh at me? What if I fail? These doubts plagued my mind, but I overcame them and started writing.

The growth I’ve experienced from where I began is immense and a testament to the transformative power of overcoming self-doubt.

“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.”
Suzy Kassem

You can’t altogether remove self-doubt. It’s a natural human tendency to have self-doubt. So, don’t worry; take steps, and you will reach success.

Self-doubt is a positive signal that you are challenging yourself. You are challenging your limits. So, whenever self-doubt kicks in, see if you are doing something out of your comfort zone.

Self-doubt can be a powerful motivator. It’s a sign that you’re embarking into unknown territory. Use it as fuel for your journey. Harnessing the energy of self-doubt will help you reach your higher goals.

You may be thinking some negative thoughts. Refrain from these thoughts. You have to be positive as something unique will come into your life. Overcome self-doubt and have a constructive reflection of yourself.

Reframe self-doubt as the growth tonic for yourself. Don’t ever hide your self-doubt. Sometimes, your ego kicks in, and you hide your doubts behind it. Refrain from doing this.

“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. Let us move forward with strong and active faith.”
Franklin D. Roosevelt

If you ever hide your self-doubt behind arrogance, it can lead to poor decision-making and separation. You have to be confident while dealing with your self-doubt.

You may be hiding all your insecurities and self-doubts. But you have to balance confidence and openness about your insecurities. See how removing that self-doubt can strengthen you and help you grow.

You must follow some strategies to help you continue progressing despite intense self-doubt.

  • Break down big goals into smaller, manageable steps
  • Adopt a “Progress Over Perfection” mindset
  • Use positive affirmations and self-talk
  • Seek support and feedback from trusted sources
  • Practice self-compassion
  • Set milestones and reward yourself
  • Visualize success
  • Stay focused on your “Why.”
  • Limit exposure to negative influences.
  • Embrace failure as a learning opportunity.

When you persevere in your tasks, you will fear less self-doubt. Doing things regularly helps you avoid self-doubt. You have to have perseverance and resilience in overcoming fear and uncertainty.

“Life is doubt, And faith without doubt is nothing but death.”
Miguel de Unamuno

Can you name anyone who has done something unique without having self-doubt? As I said earlier, self-doubt is natural and part of our behaviour. You have to overcome it.

You can use your doubt as an example to empower others. Show them how you overcame that self-doubt and what you have achieved. Make it a motivation for others.

You know, when you are vulnerable, you connect with people. Your vulnerability and self-doubt can become courage for someone, inspiring them to take on specific tasks.

Being vulnerable about your self-doubt can help you overcome it and encourage others to do the same.

“The key to wisdom is doubt!”
Marjane Satrapi

Have you ever heard successful people share stories of how their self-doubt helps them advance? They show that their self-doubt can become a motivation for them.

You can do the same. Use your self-doubt as a tool to move in your life. Remember, you will succeed in your goals when you overcome self-doubt, become vulnerable, and use it as a motivation to grow.

I love helping Founders, CEOs, and Coaches share their stories through long-form creative content. Let’s work together to build your authority and make your voice heard.

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And don’t forget to check out my ebook on building authority through writing.



Vinod Kumar Kashyap
Practice in Public

Digital Writer & Storyteller | Bringing Visions to Life Through Premium Ghostwriting​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​