Don’t Let Tomorrow Steal Today: How to Make the Most of the Present Moment

The Power of Stillness

Marcus Wilson
Practice in Public


Photo by Emile Guillemot on Unsplash

“We are paying a psychological price because what is really wrong within us is treating life as a problem to be solved rather than a process to be lived.” — Steven Hayes

How would your actions change if your future was already determined?

In a Liberated Mind, Steven Hayes suggests the suffering we impose on ourselves is due to our focus on finding and fixing perceived problems in our lives. Accepting the reality of our current situation is critical.

Acceptance is a pathway to freedom.


Contentment is bland.

It’s not spectacular. Not awful. Just in the middle. However, is this the best way to think about this? If we don’t take stock of what we have, we will cause ourselves harm. It’s like a car we neglect to drive regularly — it may not be broken down, but it still needs service to function properly. Ancient philosophical practices such as meditating on death remind us that what we lose is irreplaceable.

“Every day, have a little bird on your shoulder that asks, ‘Is today the day? Am I ready? Am I doing all I need to do? Am I being the person I want to be? Is today the day I die?” —…



Marcus Wilson
Practice in Public

I ghostwrite Educational Email Courses for Leaders & Coaches | Masters in Public Health | 10+ years as an Emotional Behavior Disorder Teacher and Sports Coach