Don’t Use Obsidian!

Grab these 4 vital insights first

Neil Hawkesford
Practice in Public
Published in
3 min readMay 26, 2024


The Obsidian logo next to a red ‘Stop’ sign
Image created by the auther in Canva

“F**K you Obsidian, I’ve had it!”

Those were the words I yelled at my monitor a few months back.

I’d tried, I really had.

My obsession with Obsidian had lasted weeks. The user manual dominated my reading. I bought The Macsparky Field Guide and immersed myself in hours of tuition, making notes as I went. I watched YouTube videos and got lost in a forest of ‘Community Plugins’.

Yet nothing worked as I wanted it to. My work had ground to a halt.

So I called it quits …. again.

More. Time. Wasted. Pissed doesn’t cover it.

Once again, I heard that little voice in my head. Whispering a truth I didn’t want to accept.

“The tools aren’t the problem………… You are.”

Deep down I knew Obsidian didn’t suck, neither had all (most) of the other tools I’d discarded. Deep down, I knew the voice in my head wasn’t lying.

Patterns repeat. I knew what came next. I’d bury the truth once more and go searching for another too, a better tool. Next time it’d be different. Next time I’d find the Holy Grail of Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) tools and get to work at last.



Neil Hawkesford
Practice in Public

A Thalassophile Writer foolishly sharing his thoughts with the world.