Embrace Your Inner Artist: Conquer Self-Doubt and Thrive in Your Creative Journey

Steal the artist mindset

Laura Woythe
Practice in Public


Photo by Melody Zimmerman on Unsplash

I recently wrote an article about overthinking our writing and how instead we make progress only by action. One of the commenters made me realize that this is, in fact, the everyday mindset struggle of an artist.

My mind wandered. We like to call ourselves writers, but should we be thinking of us as artists instead? This resonates a lot in my life right now, as I am going through a copy of Rick Rubin's The Creative Act: A Way of Being.

I strongly believe that writers are, in fact, artists. We writers curate every sentence of our articles, we do and redo, we practice. Probably the first articles will not be your best, just like in every artist’s journey ever written the first works are usually experimental, raw, not mature pieces.

Furthermore, writing is about establishing a connection with the reader. Just like a painter seeks to create an emotional response from the observer.

There are a few things we can take as learning from an artist’s journey:

  • You cannot write without practice. Just as you cannot excel as a painter without creating a few shitty canvases first. And that is okay and part of every writer’s individual journey. Some writers…

