Embracing Humility: The Power of Elevating Others

Devalère T KAMGUIA
Practice in Public
Published in
5 min readAug 2, 2023

Fostering positive relationships, personal growth, humility, and equality.

Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash

Humility should accompany all our actions, and must be with us everywhere; for as soon as we glory in our good works they are of no further value to our advancement in virtue.

Define Humility

Humility is the quality of being humble and means putting the needs of another person before your own and thinking of others before yourself. The Bible goes belong to this in saying that humility is a critical and continuous emphasis on godliness.

People always try to show others they are right or bigger than others, or that they are the most powerful. Be humble, it’s a correct way to show consideration to others and to allow them to elevate you.

Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will exalt you — James 4: 10

Let others judge you, or your work, give them the opportunities to compliment you, and don’t do it on your own. It also means not do not always draw attention to you, and it can mean acknowledging that you are not always right.

Personal Story

I’d like to tell you a little story from my third year at university; it takes place in Cameroon, particularly in the city of Yaoundé, the country’s political capital. A city where no one lets anyone walk all over them. I remember I was riding my motorcycle to university when I hit the back of a car.

This happened in front of the owner’s house, he was sitting on the balcony of his house having his coffee while his driver came back with the car. Knowing that I was at fault and that my old mobilette certainly couldn’t buy the rear light pot I’d just destroyed, I could only beg the driver, who wouldn’t listen.

All the while, my face was bleeding from having hit the back of the car in the accident. The owner climbed down from the balcony to join us and asked his driver why this man wasn’t receiving first aid at a hospital after what had just happened.

He blamed his driver and then asked him to bring me to the hospital, at the hospital the driver took a picture on the receipt to transfer to his boss, who is the owner of the car.

However, he had his first daughter at a very young age, who lived with her mother, so I was her high school tutor in math, physics, and chemistry. As this girl was very restless and stubborn, and had a very low level, I was able to deal with her.

I was able to raise her academic level and help her to be more focused and less scattered. As a result, I was much appreciated by her mother, who was always singing my praises to the girl’s father.

And the father had always wanted to meet me, but the opportunity hadn’t presented itself yet. He would later tell me how proud he was that he hadn’t made life difficult for me after the accident when he found out I was his daughter’s teacher.

The girl’s father said later:

“If I had behaved badly with you that day, I would never have forgiven myself”.

Try to do not always show your power over others, even if you are the most powerful. Show others respect, love, and kindness, and you’ll be rewarded a thousandfold.

Luke 14:11 will said,

“For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted”

Importance of Humility

Humility is a crucial and highly valued character trait for individuals and society as a whole. It describes man’s ability to recognize and accept his limitations, acknowledge the contributions of others, and maintain a modest and respectful attitude towards himself and others.

As we often say, there is and always will be someone bigger than us, smarter or stronger than us. So why not accept these inadequacies? Why not acknowledge our shortcomings in society?

An important element of humility is accepting yourself with all your faults, rather than judging yourself for your shortcomings. That doesn’t mean you should not strive to improve positively, rather than berating yourself for your negative qualities.

Personal Story again

I’m a software developer, and about a year ago we used to use the Scrum methodology at work for our development process. At our daily Scrum meetings, we would share what we had accomplished, what tasks we were working on, and what challenges we were facing.

Following the meetings, we encouraged colleagues to assist one another with any tasks that required assistance.

In one of the teams I was part of, whenever I received help from a colleague, I made sure to mention his or her name in thanks for helping me solve my problem, at the next daily Scrum meeting.

However, I noticed that when I helped my colleagues solve their problems, they rarely mentioned my name when they indicated that the problem had been solved. This made me feel discouraged and unappreciated and was one of the reasons why I decided to leave the team.

To resume

Be grateful, when you receive any kind of help or favor, and know how to acknowledge it. It’s not heavy to do so, it’s the same as the photo or article of others you use for your work, remember to always put their names on the source, or caption of those images.

You will feel happy to receive recognition for your work or for providing assistance to a colleague at a particular moment.

Here are a few reasons why humility is important:

🔷Enhances Relationships,

🔷Reduces Conflicts and Resentment,

🔷Promotes gratitude, …

How can someone show humility?

It’s very easy to show humility; simply begin by treating others as you would like to be treated. It is important to treat everyone with respect and consideration, regardless of their age or position. This includes children, adults, colleagues of equal rank, superiors, and subordinates.

Approach others with kindness and friendliness, addressing them courteously and respectfully. Embrace human values and always remember that we are all equals. It’s important to treat others the way you want to be treated.

As Michelle Obama said:

“Let’s be clear: strong men — men who are truly role models — don’t need to put women down to feel powerful. Powerful people lift others up.”

That means even if you are the strongest one, demonstrate your power by elevating others. By lifting others and supporting their growth, you will rise to greater heights.

Please share in the comments any acts of humility that you have experienced or know of that have left a lasting impression on you.

#Humility #ShowRespect #Kindness #Gratitude #PositiveAttitude



Devalère T KAMGUIA
Practice in Public

I'm a full-stack developer with 7+ years of experience. Technologie Angular, VueJS, Java, J2ee, Spring, Sprint Boot, Sprint Batch, Ionic, flutter, PHP, Symfony.