From Limiting Beliefs to a Limitless Life: How a Conscious Community Transformed Me

Discovering personal growth as a South Asian woman.

Seetal Parikh-Chopra, PhD
Practice in Public
6 min readMay 8, 2023


Created by Author in Midjourney

As women of color, (and for me, I’m South Asian), we often find ourselves stuck, unsure of where to start in our personal and professional growth journeys.

According to research conducted by the South Asian Women's Leadership Forum (SAWLF), only 3% of the largest companies are led by South Asian women, revealing a significant underrepresentation of this demographic in leadership roles across various industries.

In the face of such obstacles, how can we move forward and level up?

For me, entering the conscious community space when I was in my mid-30s was a game-changer. It transformed my outlook on life and connected me with a tribe of like-minded people who supported me on my journey.

Here are seven ways that entering the conscious community space transformed my outlook on life and how you can leverage these insights too.

1. Find a space where you can be yourself

Entering the conscious community space allowed me to find a space where I could be myself without fear, judgment, or rejection.

At first, I was afraid to speak up, but after I gave it some time, I realized everyone there was trying to find their voice too.

In this space, I connected with people who shared my values and passions and were committed to supporting each other in our personal growth journeys.

Actionable tip: Look for a community or group that aligns with your values and interests. Whether it’s an online mastermind, cohort, or local community group, finding a space where you can be yourself is crucial to feeling fulfilled and supported.

Mistake to avoid: Don’t settle for a community that doesn’t align with your values or interests, just because it’s convenient or popular. You’ll be more likely to feel disconnected and unfulfilled in the long run.

2. Embrace vulnerability and authenticity

In the conscious community space, I learned to embrace vulnerability and authenticity as strengths, not weaknesses.

Initially, I had a hard time setting my ego aside. I needed to make everything sound like a success because I was afraid that if I shared my failures, people would judge me.

By sharing my struggles and challenges with my tribe, I was able to receive support and feedback that helped me grow and learn. And as time went on, sharing those failures is what helped me take the next steps.

Actionable tip: Practice vulnerability and authenticity in small ways, such as sharing your thoughts and feelings with a trusted friend. As you become more comfortable, you can start to share more openly in your community.

Mistake to avoid: Don’t try to hide your vulnerabilities or put up a facade to perfection. It’s okay to be imperfect and vulnerable — that’s what makes us human.

3. Learn from others’ experience

In the conscious community space, I was able to learn from others’ experiences and insights.

The first conscious community space I was a part of was Gerard Adams’ Leaders Create Leaders. The group of people in our inner circle was highly motivated, and their intentions for what they wanted to do were so inspiring.

By listening to others’ stories and perspectives, I gained a broader understanding of the world and my place in it.

Actionable tip: Seek out mentors or role models in your community who have experience or insights that you can learn from. Ask for their advice or feedback, and be open to learning from their experiences.

Mistakes to avoid: Don’t assume that you know everything or that your perspective is the only valid one. Be open to learning from others, even if their experiences or perspectives are different from your own.

4. Find support and accountability

In the conscious community space, I found support and accountability that helped me stay motivated and focused on my goals.

By sharing my goals with my tribe and receiving their support and encouragement, I was able to stay on track and make progress.

Actionable tip: Find an accountability partner within your community who can help you stay motivated and focused on your goals. Set up regular check-ins and share your progress and challenges with each other.

Mistake to avoid: Don’t try to go at it alone. Accountability and support are crucial to achieving your goals and staying motivated.

5. Take action toward your goals

In the conscious community space, I learned the importance of taking action.

It’s not enough to just set intentions and visualize your dreams; you have to actively work toward them.

This means taking small steps every day to get closer to your goals.

Whether it’s reaching out to someone for advice, signing up for a course, or starting a side hustle, each action you take brings you closer to the life you want to create for yourself.

Actionable tip: Make a list of 3–5 things you can do each week to work towards your goals, no matter how small they may seem. This will help you stay motivated and focused on what you want to achieve.

Mistake to avoid: Waiting for the perfect moment to take action. There will never be a “perfect” time to start working towards your goals, and waiting for one will only delay your progress. Instead, focus on taking imperfect action and course-correcting as you go.

6. Embrace your authentic self

One of the most transformative lessons I learned in the conscious community space was embracing my authentic self.

As South Asian women, we often feel pressure to conform to societal norms and expectations, but this can lead to feelings of disconnection and unhappiness.

I often felt like I had to follow cultural and societal norms. In fact, there were so many rules and expectations that I had to unlearn so that I could tap into my true self.

When we allow ourselves to be our true selves, we attract people and opportunities that align with who we are and what we value.

Actionable tip: Reflect on what makes you unique and write down a list of qualities that make you who you are. Embrace those qualities and let them shine in everything you do.

Mistake to avoid: Trying to be someone you’re not in order to fit in. It’s tempting to try to mold yourself into what you think others want you to be, but this will only lead to feelings of inadequacy and unhappiness. Instead, focus on being true to yourself and surrounding yourself with people who appreciate and support you for who you are.

7. Build a supportive community

Entering the conscious community space taught me the importance of building a supportive community.

When we surround ourselves with like-minded individuals who are also working towards personal growth and self-improvement, we can learn from each other, support each other, and hold each other accountable.

Actionable tip: Seek out groups or communities that align with your values and interests, and attend events or join online groups to connect with others.

Mistake to avoid: Neglecting to nurture your relationships. Building a community takes effort and intention, so make sure to invest time and energy into your relationships and show up for others just as you would want them to show up for you.

The Takeaway

Entering the conscious community space when I was in my mid-30s was a transformative experience that helped me shift my perspective on life as a South Asian woman.

By prioritizing:

  • Self-care
  • Setting boundaries
  • Taking action toward my goals
  • Embracing my authentic self
  • Building a supportive community

I was able to unlock my hidden potential and create a life that feels aligned with who I am and what I value.

I encourage all women who are looking to level up in their lives to explore the conscious community space and see how it can help transform your outlook on life.



Seetal Parikh-Chopra, PhD
Practice in Public

15+ years nonprofit leader | International Psychologist | I write about social impact, South Asian mental health, and self-care | Proud girl mom