Get Your Life on Track: 10 Easy Habits for a Better You

Practical tips to transform your daily routine and boost happiness

Blaise Ticha
Practice in Public
4 min readApr 16, 2024


Image from canva

Tired of feeling stuck in an endless rut?

You know you’re capable of so much more, but can’t seem to gain any traction towards your goals and dreams.

What’s the missing ingredient for leveling up your life?

Consistency. Plain and simple.

As the saying goes, “We are what we repeatedly do.” Small habits, practiced daily, are the secret sauce for massive self-improvement over time.

Ready to take those first simple steps towards unleashing your full potential? Here are 10 easy habits to get your life on track:

1. Wake Up Early

No, I’m not asking you to become a crazy 4 amriser (unless you want to!). But shifting your wake time even 30–60 minutes earlier can work wonders.

Use that time to start your day intentionally with things like exercise, meditation/prayer, journaling, or tackling your most important tasks without distractions. No more scrambling out the door, stressed and flustered.

Your mornings set the tone for the rest of your day. Make it a great one by investing in your mental, physical, and emotional well-being first.

2. Drink More Water

This one’s a no-brainer but extremely underrated habit. Simply drinking enough water provides a laundry list of health, energy, and productivity benefits.

Shoot for at least half your body weightin ounces per day, more if you exercise a lot or live somewhere hot. Grab a reusable water bottle and have it by your side at all times. Getting into the hydration habit energizes you from the inside out.

3. Practice Gratitude

In the pursuit of more and “better,” it’s easy to lose sight of all the great stuff already in our lives. Gratitude is the antidote to that toxic scarcity mindset.

Create a daily gratitude journal that contains 3–5 genuine things you're thankful for, regardless of how simple they may seem. This trains your brain to look for positives in each day rather than focusing only on what’s lacking or not going right.

4. Get Moving

Any legit self-improvement plan has to include daily movement. Exercise does wonders for your mental health, energy levels, sleep quality, confidence, and overall physical well-being.

Start small with daily walks, bodyweight exercises, or quick YouTube workout videos if the gym isn’t your jam. An intense workout is not required! Just make it a non-negotiable habit to move your body consistently each day.

5. Do Something You Enjoy

In our obsession with hustling and achievement, we often lose sight of making time for the things that light us up inside. Figure out what hobbies, creative pursuits, or passions you enjoy for their own sake and prioritize them.

Maybe it’s reading fiction, gardening, playing music, standup comedy — whatever! Schedule time for these soul-filling activities amidst your normal routines. It’ll energize and ground you.

6. Learn Something New

One of the best ways to spark positive growth and momentum? Always be expanding your knowledge and skillset in some way.

Listen to podcasts, take an online course, read books and articles outside your normal interests — just expose your brain to fresh, stimulating ideas consistently. Lifelong learning keeps you inspired and evolving.

7. Check in With Loved Ones

Building better habits is great, but self-improvement isn’t all just a solo grind. Human connection and nurturing relationships are vital, too!

Whether it’s a handwritten note, coffee date, or spontaneous phone call, build in time each day/week to genuinely check in and connect with friends and family. Feeling loved and understood is so grounding.

8. Unplug and Recharge

Our devices make it all too easy to burn ourselves out without realizing it. Constant scrolling, notifications, and digital overstimulation fry our brains!

Set aside time each day (ideally first thing in the morning) to simply unplug and recharge. No screens, just stillness, silence, and being present. Even 10 minutes makes a big difference.

9. Embrace Imperfection

In a world of personal brands and constant self-promotion, it’s easy to get hooked on the toxic addiction of “portraying perfection” in all areas of our lives.

This only leads to immense mental strain and the fruitless pursuit of an impossible facade. Instead, embrace and celebrate your quirks and flaws without judgment or apology. You’re human!

10. Celebrate Progress

Last but not least, make sure to regularly reflect on and celebrate your wins and progress along the way! All too often, we forget to acknowledge how far we’ve come until we hit some big milestone.

Whether it’s checking in monthly, quarterly, or yearly, make time to acknowledge the positive shifts and growth — no matter how small. Doing so builds momentum, confidence, and motivation to keep leveling up.

None of these habits alone is going to drastically overhaul your life overnight.

But gradually weaving them into your daily routines creates long-term, sustainable growth and positive momentum.

They help calibrate your mindset, actions, and energy towards fuller self-expression and living out your highest potential.

Stay consistent with just a few of these habits and I guarantee you’ll start noticing profound positive shifts across all areas of your life.

Need some extra accountability and motivation to keep these habits consistent? Sign up for my free newsletter, where I share weekly tips, insights, and inspiration for leveling up. Subscribe Here

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Blaise Ticha
Practice in Public

I'm a notion creator and a writer. I enjoy showing my work progress with people and also share some of my own tips to help anyone who comes across them.