Google Clapped My Site But Bing Loves Me

Why my blogging story is far from over

Christopher Kokoski
Practice in Public
Published in
4 min readMar 26, 2024


Computer screen comparing Google’s rejection and Bing’s approval of a website — Google Clapped My Site But Bing Loves Me
I made this image but not the content using ChatGPT and DALL-E — Credit

The latest Google update is still happening — I prefer the term I heard on YouTube: The Clappening.

Google is clapping websites left and right, taking down huge SEO experts, and bombarding blogs with a “Shock and Awe”-style assault on traffic and revenue.

My websites got clapped, too.

How Google Clappity Clapped My Websites

Not all of them but three of the seven I run (By the way, that’s too many sites. Don’t be like me). Including my biggest and longest-running site, my personal passion project, my digital blog baby.

At first, I was terrified.

This could be a tragic end to over a decade of hard work, all-nighters, and hundreds if not thousands of dollars poured into the sites.

The update is not over yet and things can always get worse.

But, as of now, things are….surprisingly okay.

Yes, I lost traffic. Yes, I lost revenue. I don’t know if I’ll be able to recover in Google’s eyes — maybe ever. I’m doing what I can to get back in Google’s good graces.

However, and I knock on digital wood as I write this, things haven’t gone as bad as…



Christopher Kokoski
Practice in Public

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